What's the easiest game to learn that trannies play a lot?

The most popular games that I play that also coincide with being tranny games are minecraft and TF2, but those are on the lower list in comparison to shitty games like League/Overwatch/Valorant. But I don't want to spend 3 years becoming good at a game that I hate, I just want to be good enough to play with trannies. So what's the easiest tranny game to learn fast?

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any co-op game that is not pvp are fun to play if you do it with your loved one, don't overthink it user

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not OP but I suck at pvp games while also only being able to have fun in pvp games

name a few, please

i know that feel user(dota 2 addict)
maybe something like "it takes two" or "l4d2" steam have co-op tag so you should definitely check around to see what's interesting

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Lunatic Dawn series

L4D2 is the main game I play but zero (0) trannies play it.
I mean multiplayer/coop games I can play with one after meeting them. Probably will need to remake the thread I guess.

if you want to be good at a game, youre better off picking a game you like instead of wondering what games trannies play

I am good at some guys, like L4D2, TF2, Minecraft, and some other games, but I also want to be able to play games with trannies.

games* sorry I need to sleep

my game (phantasy star online 2 new genesis) has many trans and eggs, i have seen people troon before my eyes trying the type 2 (female) body and loving it

i met my exbf and my gf on this game last year, both of them spent life savings sums moving me and everything i own to live with them, first bf and then gf 6mo later

i am the luckiest transgirl in the world on this game, i literally woild have died if i had played ff14 instead, i wouldnt have met exbf who saved my life

anyways its pretty casual and easy to get into, the fashions are incredible, the social interaction features are second to none, only vrchat is maybe comparable and that is just a chatroom not a game you can work at and explore together

i believe strongly the best way to become close with someone in an LDR is to live as much of your time together as you are able to, on a social game like this

its not really like normal mmos it is an actuon game with movement similar to nier and very actiony combat, and there are never more than 32 players except in towns, sci fi distant future, 1000 years after old pso2 (from 2012), you can still go to the old game too and play thru all of it, you just go to a teleporter and it transfers you over seamlessly with all of your cosmetcs intact but seperate gear and progression

hope to see more channers in Halpha! im on Ship 1

concert ss from this morning

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my autistic obsession is overwatch

oh yeah we also get to watch music ingame concerts and the anime of old pso2 has been streaming in evenings ingame lately as part of the 10y anniversary

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That story is so pathetic I'm getting second-hand embarrassment. Is that actually a popular game or is it just your game?
Is it easy to learn?

Well I like Civ6 and harvest moon type games myself

what server & ship are you on?

>but those are on the lower list in comparison to shitty games like League/Overwatch/Valorant
i've been clocked myself numerous times, and seen so many both mtf and ftms playing league of legends so if your looking to find them naturally, thats one thing.

>any co-op game that is not pvp are fun to play if you do it with your loved one, don't overthink it user
but this is the true correct answer, even pvp games though.
you can just.. ya know, be bad at pvp games. its not a big deal as long as you can hold your own a bit.

why don't you ever answer when I ask this :(
I just want more pso2 frens

Play GTNH, its got a lot of tranners in the discords

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Fighting games unironically

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