Gods wrath cometh down on fornicators and sodomites

Gods wrath cometh down on fornicators and sodomites

Woe be unto the sinners

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How do they get this? What sexual act are they doing specifically.

Rusty trombone.
Hot Carl is another that carries a heavy risk of infection.

Why do you think this god guy doesn't like sex? what if he likes it?

Sorry, i am a straight chaser and dont speak gay so well.
What is a tusty trombone or a hot carl?

eating ass

I wish god would make a simppox. Maybe he can just give them a really bad computer virus

God punishes the fornicator by giving him a skin rash which lasts two weeks... Powerful...

Imagine the drama of this poor guy. No ass eating for week or two.

Only a fool would analyze the law to try to understand the divine.

Rusty trombone is where you eat an ass from behind and jerk him off. Hot Carl is where you put plastic wrap over your face and have someone crap on it.

I've never heard either of these

I see why rt can be fun
But hc just souns stupid.

Disgusting. I figured it had to be something horrible like this.

Low IQ fag take as always

Does it stink? It looks like stinking thing.

I looked exactly like that when I had HFMD. I think Monkeypox is fake.

This is literally just another annual outbreak of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, the media is bullshitting again

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seriously, who tf uses plastic wrap

I'm so fucking glad the gays are infected by another plague. Notice how this happens less with AGP and cis lesbians. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK

god cis gay men are fucking FILTHY

(((They))) realized just how easy it was to control people with the coof lie and think they can do it again with another fake plague to mop up the stragglers who refused to get jabbed last time. Notice how it's targeted at Any Forums now.
>better get vaxxed or some repulsive faggot will cough shit particles at you and give you the pox!
Yeah I know there's no vax yet, be forward-thinking. This is like the February 2020 part of covid where nobody cared yet.

>obvious HFMD
>Mostly spread between kids by playing together
>Gives it the most retarded name possible "monkey pox"
>Blames it on gay people
Are we in the clown timeline? I feel like all of society is being punk'd

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