Seethe and cope /tttt/

seethe and cope /tttt/

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the actual explanation on why it’s a necessary step makes sense. but i don’t trust the nhs enough to believe that they’ll actually replace the capacities that’ll get lost by closing the clinic


Alright, so to those that have no context.

The clinic is being shut down next spring and being replaced by regional centres.

Young people are still gonna be able to transition.

Go and seethe hons and TERFs.

tavistock was shutdown because regionalised trans healthcare will mean kids get seen sooner rather than being stuck on waiting lists for years
seethe transphobe

They're replacing it with more regional centres with far more mental health provision to meet the criticisms of the Cass Report, which caused Tavistock to shut down because kids weren't going to therapists before taking life-altering decisions that would lead to sterility and what not.

oh the tavistock institute, the same tavistock involved in populace brainwashing is now invested in "gender" identity? curious to say the least

I hold my judgement for a year [of no public access to services for this age group]. When the NHS has *not* funded and set up the promised regional centres...

Still no clinics in the south west

South West is a TERF hotspot. Guildford in particular.

>South West

"Mental health referrals" and "holistic care": euphemisms for conversion therapy. Most anyone who has tried to access adult transgender care in the UK knows that doctors give you the runaround and try to get you to go to useless mental health appointments instead that will waste your time and try to make you give up at accessing medical transition.

'Holistic' is a dogwhistle for comorbidity; they think gender dysphoria isn't real and trans kids actually have BDD, anorexia, autism, OCD, CSA trauma etc. GIDS was broken as fuck but you are nuts if you think that the NHS is going to replace it with a more efficient system rather than one which functionally doesn't exist and just tries to waste patients' time diagnosing them with conditions they don't have so they won't transition.

Attached: pain.jpg (828x821, 55.03K)

What? Guildford is SW. Even served by SWR

>imagine celebrating a shut down of medical facilities
Are Any ForumsACKs really just seething manlets?

SWR serves London, doesn't exactly mean much. Just a name chosen because most of the railway they cover is in the southwest.
My main experience is that the further north you go, the more likely you are to be heckled. London is its own little bubble of horror tho tbf

Attached: 1200px-South_West_England_in_England.svg.png (1200x1457, 291.32K)

What's up with London? I was there for most of my transition and I couldn't have thought of a better place for it. I just got tired of the dystopian cyberpunk vibe and moved to Guildford and I feel genuinely less welcomed here, though I never been misgendered or anything so it might just be tttt brainworms

I haven't actually been to London since pre troon, just the massive amount of people is very different that what I'm used to that I just assume you're gonna get more shit than average, but hey, maybe it's better than that.
Dorset area has actually been pretty nice, old people keep to themselves, have been called a tranny on a couple occasions by some kids, but nothing super awful

I think London is the best in the UK for being trans overall. Nobody really bats an eye because there's so many GNC people around and with how many people around there is in general, it's fairly easy to blend into crowds. Also multiculturalism. No two people next to each other are even the same ethnicity, makes people care less about visual difference.

that's so based

Yeah, and expensive as fuck. I moved out to save up for SRS, then I'll probably move back in with my bf or go live in Brighton, which is like the best of both worlds.

They’re correct. Troonism is a mental disorder, the first line of treatment should be mental health treatment, not “affirmation amd titty skittles”

repper or transphobe?
(there is no difference)

Are trantards really just incels with psychotic delusions?

Can’t be a transphobe if I’m not scared of troons kek

repression never works user.
You're already here
you're gonna be here forever
HRT 7 years and no plans of stopping anytime soon. Full hon too.

Rather be a masc top faggot than a delusional rapehon.

t. ywnbaw

7 years and still not a woman. sad.

The NHS still hasn't resumed prescribing puberty blockers to 1 person since the Bell ruling was overturned a year and a half ago so don't hold your breath for these new regional centres to 1) materialise or 2) let anyone go on blockers/hrt before 18

See you in 2 years when you're complaining about how much better passoids look than your 40 year old repression ass

Eh, close enough. Never get misgendered so as far as I can know, I pass all the time, and my voice probably helps push it over the edge too. Might get FFS sometime, but not a priority.


the NHS has ended care for trans under 18s but they keep up the pretense with these organisations that exist in name only. The same thing is happening with their adult services which have 10,000+ patients on their wating lists but employ no full time staff

Bless your confused tranny ass. In 2 years time I will be a 25 year old man, and you still will not be a woman.

1. Preliminary longitudinal data suggests that carefully screened transgender people who transition as children and have supportive parents are not any more suicidal than the average person.

2. On the other hand transgender people who transition as adults still experience elevated suicidality, though it's lowered when compared to that of those who do not transition at all.

It's not in the abstract so I'll quote the relevant part.
>Among those who desired medical transition, those on hormone therapy were about half as likely to have seriously considered suicide (RR=0.52; 95 % CI: 0.37, 0.75).

3. The two points above are supported by one of the largest studies examining transgender suicide rates, with thousands of participants, finding that the suicide rate among adults was ~0.7% while the suicide rate among young transitioners was ~0.2%.

>Forty‐nine people died by suicide: 41 trans women (0.8%) and 8 trans men (0.3%), which is 64 per 100 000 person years in trans women and 29 per 100 000 person years in trans men. The median follow‐up time between first visit and suicide death was 6.7 years (range 0.6 to 32.7 years) in trans women and 6.7 years (range 0.6 to 23.1 years) in trans men. Trans women had a higher overall suicide death risk than trans men (per year: HR 2.26, 95% CI 1.06–4.82). Four suicide deaths occurred in individuals who were referred to the clinic before the age of 18 (0.2%), which is a lower risk than in adults (0.7%, P = 0.010).

Thus it's important for WELL SCREENED transgender people to receive timely care, as early as possible.