This is so fuckin stupid

No, I don't owe you sex and i will not have sex with you just to prove I'm not transphobic

i support Trans rights but entitlement to sex isn't one of them, you want to have sex with someone then he should have preference to it and not be forced to

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>I support trans rights
Into the trash you go. They're sex objects, nothing more. They like being treated like that but the ones who don't are ugly and thus not worth anyone's time no matter what they call themselves.

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That person is talking like a child with those shitty emotes.

Just to be clear, you can live you life as you choose but you can’t force other people to do as you want.

Actions have consequences

You are presenting a false dichotomy. The following statements are both true:
>If the **only** reason for denying someone is them being trans (so not looks/genital preference/personality), that is a transphobic reason.
>Every reason to deny someone is valid, even bigoted ones.

Going "that's transphobic" doesn't mean "you must have sex with me". It means that person thinks you're a transphobe.

girls talk like children tho. men are pediphiles

I have the opposite problem, if I want to have sex with a trans girl it means I'm a fetishist, I'm supposed to NOT want to have sex with her and that makes me valid

Nah, I can choose to not date anybody for any reason and you can’t accept that.

I don’t want to date anything with a penis, gaping surgical created pelvic hole, red heads, feminist, crooked ears, amputees, anything in a wheelchair, etc.

What pisses you off the most is that people are choosing not to associate with you and it pisses you off. You resort to shame, name calling, and being a disingenuous turd calling people an -ist or -phobe.


Why does it anger you so much to be called a bigot? I could be a child and copypaste your "your actions..." thing but I'm genuinely curious. Do you think you *aren't* being bigoted here?

Trans people are allowed to transition to follow their internal feelings and it's all good, but when I want to choose who I have sex with depending on my internal feelings it's being bigoted. That doesn't make any sense

Please, user? I'm so desperate for your cock, I don't want anyone else

You can call me whatever you want, doesn’t make it true.

If I said you were a tractor or a humming bird does that make it true?

I’m not stopping you from doing whatever it is you want. But with that freedom comes consequences of your actions. Forcing people to do what you want against their own will and judgment is abuse. You see that right?

That depends on those feelings. Deny a trans person because you don't find them attractive? Because you want bio kids someday? Because you're not into their gender at all? Because of differences in views on life? All fine. If your reason is purely that they're trans - not some practical thing, but an immaterial trans quality - then that implies your feelings about transness are negative. You have the right to your feelings, but "transphobic" or some similar, weaker term (trans-distasting? trans-slightly disliking?), is simply an accurate descriptor.

Why do you believe you aren't a transphobe for doing that? What level of dislike for transness does one require, in your eyes, to achieve that title?

also again with the
>Forcing people

quit that. Rape is illegal already, whether trans people are involved or not.

i looked at her twitter and she's an entitled piece of shit, i hope she stay single

oh my god i love seeing tranners getting their hopes up that maybe a cishet guy would take them to a beautiful date and not mind them being trans but then all of a sudden have their confidence absolutely shattered when they get rejected solely on the basis on them being trans. she must be so devastated! this is what u get for losing a coin flip at birth and trying to fight it and expecting ppl to just tolerate u!!! hahahaha!!

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Correct. Trannys can commit rape too. Quit forcing people to do things they don’t want to do.

Am I forcing someone to do something by saying I think they're bigoted? Is my opinion truly *that* meaningful?

correct. but they will never listen. for some reason there are transphobes who want transphobia to be normalized so much that they don't even want to admit that they're transphobic even when they clearly are. or they've just internalized this idea that being racist, misogynistic, transphobic etc makes them a bad person, and they're a normal "good" person, so they can't be any of those things.

soon they'll all go mask off though. it'll be "great".

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No, you don't understand, I don't need to have a "valid" reason to deny someone or even a reason at all. If I say I don't want to have sex with someone because I saw a white pigeon in the morning, the only thing that matters is "I don't want to have sex with someone". Your reasoning will end up at calling gay people misogynists because they don't want to have sex with women.

You’re insufferable but sure

>I want to change my name
Don’t care
>I want to wear different clothes
Don’t care
>I want to have elective surgery to remove my penis and create a gaping hole in my pelvis.
That’s weird but I don’t care.
>I’ll live my life how I want
Don’t care
>…and you have to accept and like it
No, no I don’t

I don’t want to date red heads because they’re gross, I’m not dating a biological man because I’m not in to penises. I’m not dating a biological woman without a uterus because she can’t produce me a child.

You’re putting people not wanting to date trannys on the same level as getting curb stomped and it’s simply not true. And being disingenuous not only conflates a non issue, it makes you look like a rapist forcing people to do what they don’t want.

yes it's a valid reason to deny us a relationship/sex/whatever. but it's transphobic lol

>Your reasoning will end up at calling gay people misogynists because they don't want to have sex with women.

why? they're being seen as women in that scenario

Tbhon her biggest issue is how she's acting about it
She should either drop it before the date or at the end nd dont kiss them before telling them
Nd also the whole phrasing is so bad "btw do u care omg im so nervous" is literally setting herself up for the "it bothers me" kind of response but if u just kinda drop it you'll get a casual less hurtful rejection
But also she seems mega entitled nd I hope she grows out of it

Now I just have btw im trans oops at the bottom of my tinder cuz I got tired or the anxiety and there's plenty of cis at least het acting men that would like me Im a whole porn genre I have an entire market of bi gamer boys to date