Be me

>be me
>install VRChat
>go to Evangelion world
>pick Asuka avatar for the memes
>notice my hands now are female
>look down
>notice i now have booba and female lower body
>starts to feel things


Attached: images (47).jpg (165x306, 11.15K)

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VR breaks every egg

go back

you know it would be le epic meme if you were to practice a girl voice to prank everyone on vrchat

Lol you're a tranny faggot

take pills

VR is going to create so many trannies in the next few years isn't it


egg originated on this board, my little plebbitor

Pills NOW!

This is a new phenomena that Phia actually covers well.


>le closet tranny gets boner from 14-year-old anime gurl body

not surprised

VR is going to lead to the last big wave of sudden transitions. then we will finally know the true trans population

I got viperstruck, bros...........

I mean when it becomes mainstream. All of the retards running around MMOs and RPGs with women avatars to "look at the ass" are going to troon out.

They already are? Like half of the FF14 playerbase is trans women.

it's just Tencent rubbing their hands while they watch you via EAC

thanks for the warning. I'll never do VR. it would probably just give me moments of false hope

VR makes me hate myself more than I normally do. I can pick whatever avatar I want but I can't hide my awkward mannerisms and my shitty voice and my mouth breathing comes across open mic so I have to use push to talk but then it doesn't feel natural cause I have to remember to push the button to laugh or something and I never know what to do with my hands

vrchat committed suicide a couple days ago by implementing anticheat and preventing mods of all kinds, including those for accessibility and hardware compatibility. keep an eye on their competitors (neos and chillout vr)

how tf do you even "cheat" in a noncompetitive game

Exactly, there is zero reason to do this. They claim they're protecting players from themselves because some people are stupid enough to download a botnet client from somewhere else when the game is literally FUCKING FREE.
The truth is that people were getting the benefits of the paid "plus" membership without actually paying, by just using mods.

man fuck that, just open a patreon and shill it in the splash screen, they'd make more than forcing people to subscribe to extra perks
fucking stupid 2010 korean freemium mmo grifting bullshit