They're just cartoon villains at this point

They're just cartoon villains at this point.

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Always have been.

Reminder that politicians are more like insects or a slime mold than human beings

>can you be a gay/trans Republican

This is so heartbreaking but not surprising

I read the article for this, and it's only mostly true. Basically there are a bunch of federal assistance programs, school lunches being one of them, and the USDA released a policy "The directive requires states to review allegations of discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as update their policies and signage". This is being challenged based off of the recent supreme court EPA decision that basically says that federal agencies have no powers that are not specifically codified in law, and is the first major challenge to the principal of executive delegation.

This isn't about removing food from trans kids but blanket anti-anti-descrimination action and republicans are rock hard to show off their new power to tell the federal government that they don't have to listen to them anymore.

Most republican policy boils down to >regulation bad (except when we like it)

Lol. What cunts.

At this point?

it's all a part of their genocidal plan, putting us in camps is so outdated, instead they want to make life so unlivable for trans people that we kill ourselves or repress

Holy based! How is this villainous, op?

>this isn’t about removing food from trans kids
It absolutely is. There are eighty octillion other regulations they could challenge; is it just happenstance they picked this one first?

This sort of development warms the heart.

You can't really say you don't have it coming.

starve away the gay

It's more like they're using lgbt kids to sacrifice on an altar in order to try and turn it into not having any sort of programs whatsoever on the federal or state level for anyone on grounds they would be unequal.
The end goal being American conservatives want Amazon and other monopolies to own you like an indentured servant unless you're one of the elite.

>it's only mostly true
Stopped reading. Snopes bots in full posting mode it seems

thank you based poster for breaking it down. as a texan troon I applaud our GOP overlords for attacking the illegitimate democrat establishment

Exactly. The fearmongering about trans people abortion etc is, rightfully, talked about as a way for them to justify expansion of control, but in the same way deregulation and devolution into “state power” (which they can control easier) as well.

Sorry user I'm going to have to award this post 2 Pinocchios

Can someone explain to a non-American what this means. idk what the USDA, AGs etc are

United States district attorney and Attorney general. Just parts of the judicial system

USDA - US Department of Agriculture, the federal agency responsible for many things, including subsidizing the school lunches of poor children.
AG - Attorney General, the head lawyer of a state (or at the federal level, of the United States).

genuinly have no idea what mental gymnastic someone can do to justify this and still sleep at night