Why do (straight) men and lesbian women have different tastes? Shouldn't they like the same things?

Why do (straight) men and lesbian women have different tastes? Shouldn't they like the same things?

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>Shouldn't they like the same things?
why should they?

Because they have different sex hormones making them different kinds of horny and different typical brain structures

Because OP is using the logic that lesbians are men. People's brains have become severely confused with all this trans shit retardation. They can't into logic anymore, after the mob demanded we get rid of it.

>grow up as female
>understand fellow wombyn
>attraction to women is less creepy than scrotes

>OP being a retard is somehow the troons fault

cause men are dick driven and think from a masculine standpoint, women dont have dicks and think from a feminine standpoint

At different times in a cishet woman's cycle her attraction to certain types of men fluctuates
The variation occurs as certain hormone levels increase and decrease

Sex hormones have no effect on sexuality.

>cliche brainless response
See what I mean? They're literally incapable of producing an original post.

>Sex hormones have no effect on sexuality
sex hormones are why you have any type of sexuality

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what do you want me to say to your complete non sequitur? you brought up trannies out of nowhere because you are obsessed

Bruh ask any tranny they deffinatly do

Anyone who isn't a teenager here remembers LGBT before you retards mucked everything up with your AGP straight nerd incoming, cis malebrain trendy coomer bullshit. Lots of people are tired of you by now, not just me.

>AGP straight nerd incoming, cis malebrain trendy coomer bullshit.
can you repeat that in english? maybe try logging off if the internet upsets you so much

Go away faker. Do you understand that?

what am i faking exactly. you dont even know anything about me to know what i am or claim to be, all you know about me is you responded to my post with some retarded shit and i called you out for it

just culture. men are expected to go all AWOOGA BOOBAS and lesbians are kinda shunned for it

like hell they don't

straight men will be more dom on average and lesbian women more sub on average due to socialization

purely straight men, bi men, and bi/lesbian women fall into different categories: masculinity and non-feminity, masculinity and femininity, and non-masculinity and femininity, respectively

this will determine how desirable "core" femininity (as base androphilia) and variable "high" femininity ("femme"ness, attraction to non-feminine individuals) are in sexual partners


OP is working under the assumption that lesbians and straight men are gynephiles and should thus be attracted to the same things which is 100% reasonable

gynephilia can manifest independently of maleness/femaleness in the GD sense and variably overall

Lesbians have a fetish induced by sexual molestation or fucked up hormones, men are attracted to women naturally for biological reasons, of course the attraction is going to be different.