What is it with boymoders and these!!!!?????

what is it with boymoders and these!!!!?????

Attached: nuggies.jpg (1280x858, 102.16K)

They actually prefer dog food.

What’s a typical boymoder order

well if the snack wrap was still a thing i'd just keep getting taht but we don't all get what we want DO WE user?

Attached: angry.jpg (1200x1200, 118.87K)

i wish i had a bf to take me to mcdonalds i cant drive cus im scared :(

chicken nuggets are the cute socially acceptable mcdonalds food because they're bite sized

unironically autism

all I have in my fridge for actual food is frozen mac n cheese, veggies, and chick breast nuggets...

Theyre good

Ironically I like them because I can eat them without getting my beard and mustache messy

Literally this. A lot of autists don’t like burgers because there’s a lot of different ingredients mixing, some of them taste bitter like tomatoes, and even bread can have a weird texture for them.

Comparatively, chicken nuggets are a single ingredient, and we as a society for some reason believe protein is the main part of a meal, so nuggets are preferred to fries, even though honestly they’re probably just as unhealthy.

b-but how can i eat it if it's not at least 80% animal products? cooking actually good food at home is really expensive, you know!

this isn't healthy user
valid reason the rest of their food is sloppy
ive noticed a lot of autistic people including myself will get burgers plain and dry for this reason and dress it how they want

I always get a mcchicken with pickles.

>this isn't healthy user
yeah well, there's no one that really cares

Hash browns underrated

Based hash browns enjoyer.

i care, i hope you learn to care about yourself too :)

fuck you

those are disgusting, you couldn't pay me to eat them

Chicken nuggets are popular
Tbh i rather have taco bell

They are good but if I’m going to eat nuggies I’d rather them be Dino shaped also McDonald’s insanely overrated imo c+ tier at best

literally vegetarian, keep your bird bits to yourself

mcdonalds makes me wanna vom now because i bought the two cheeseburger meal while drunk and ended up throwing them up shortly after