I play an undead mage in wow classic, is that male or femalebrained

i play an undead mage in wow classic, is that male or femalebrained

>playing wow is malebrained
Not true, almost every single raid I've been in during the last 4 years has had at least one other woman, sometimes multiple.

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WoW classic is moidbrained. The real ladies are in retail.

I play destiny 2 as a Titan

Classic is malebrained. Retail is femalebrained. Unironically, not even memeing. Look at all the male and female streamers and you'll see the diff.

What do you do on retail tho?

I’m on Grobbulus US, what classic realm are you on?


sorry user looks like you're singularitymoding today

Oh I play alliance night elf though :)

raiding classic is malebrained
raiding hardcore in retail is also malebrained
playing wow for mounts and cosmetics etc is female brained, you are literally coping if you think grinding a dead MMO that isn't even cute is female brained in any regard whatso ever, every female ive ever raided with has been fat with kids

>almost every single raid I've been in during the last 4 years has had at least one other woman, sometimes multiple.
but that's only a minority? does that still count?

femdead is the stereotypical self aware agp

not nelf or belf?


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hsts unless warrior
self-unaware agp. all femdead players are recovering belf addicts

Human female is

Do trannies erp or is it all men?

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>casual human female
80% cis m, 20% cis f
>serious raider
boymoders all the way down. either never speaks up in disc or is your raidleader and maintank. the one exception are healers who happen to be dating one of the other raiders.
repressos, especially if they're a rank 14 rogue in classic vanilla. you know who you are.

Wow is fembrained, along with FFXIV and lol

>, is that male or femalebrained
Asking that question is malebrained af

i wish ffxiv was actually fun to play lmao

what about draenei?

idk im a classic andy. or well, andrea, i guess.

female draenei is probably agp as fuck though