Do black HRT femboys exist?

We've all seen femboys/boymoders like Bailey and Charlie but when it comes to black transfems, they're either normal to bimbo trannies or loud flammers.

Do black hrt femboys that aren't flammers exist or is that a pipe dream?

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i knew one but hes an insufferable libcuck faggot that cant stop whining about white trannies and is obsessed with hasan piker.

>cant stop whining about white trannies
Do all black fems do this. I knew some that did but I didn't think it was common.

ive seen it a lot between black fems. although i did meet this 33 yr old black tranny with a blacked fetish who liked giving white transbians bbc who was a very nice person weird fetishes aside.

the black femboy i was friends with was so much worse. at first he was just a skeletonmoding twink who liked posting his skeletor black thighs while wearing programmer socks and agp clothing, but identified as a femboy. he legit had no feminimity other than when posting thrist traps overall he acted like a man all the time(with the only exception that he whined like a woman. his whining is the only fembrained aspect he had). he was an obvious textbook example of rodg agp. sadly for him he was a complete hon so he is now taking the enbycope pill. god he was annoying, glad my twitter got suspended so i didnt had to unfollow him.

>do black people whine about white people
what do u think user

I’m a black MtTomboy tranny and I exist there are few of us and were all very lonely

im a black trooner currently trooning out, i have not femboyed. I am not a flammer whatever that means but i have an idea of what it is

same omg

Hell yeah sister ygmi

>I am not a flammer whatever that means but i have an idea of what it is
You know exactly what it means.

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Now here's the real question, do any of you guys malefail often?

I’m voice cucked. I mostly only pass when I don’t talk.

biggest cock I ever saw was on a black enby. 8 inches and as thick as a coke can

i want to suck girlbbc

Sorry my dick is only 6.5in

that’s more than big enough for me

Dsmn, even black hrt dick is bigger than average lmao.

Hrt hasn’t really affected my max size. I jerk off every day so I definitely help

wondering this myself, would enjoy geeky black trans gf.

t.cis dude

we're here. just lurking in the shadows

Yeah they're about. The one I know is cool as fuck. (Cool as fuck in this case doesn't mean a fucking poltard you absolutely terminally online culture war brainwormed cucks, you utter sheep pilled faggots, you literal NPCs, I'm sorry to get your hopes up with that. I mean like actually an interesting skilled person who is really nice and funny and does cool stuff. Chances are, you probably won't get to know too many people like that cause your narrow political scope and kneejerk reactions to any views contrary to your own keep you from getting close to anyone outside of your miniscule little circle on a properly genuine level)

>"Oh I know one he's a libcuck tho"

You don't know that person user, you probably just went to school with him and have him on Facebook. You probably don't know a single fucking thing about that person you absolute autistic melts.