What does Any Forums think of fakers? Do they undermine the cause? Or is it good to have more media representation...

What does Any Forums think of fakers? Do they undermine the cause? Or is it good to have more media representation? Thoughts?

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People faking about faking.

Almost as if the tranny community dont want other people to play pretend.

Being transgender isn't playing pretend.

he should have been ridiculed more by his own community for the skinwalker he obviously is

Uh huh uh huh. Let me guess, the other like minded troons from Reddit say this.

not a thing, if you are taking hormones and getting surgeries that's as real as it gets.

Sorry to burst your MAGA fantasy but you get no increased social status from being LGBT at all, not even a little.

Such profound insight. Where do you get it from.

>no increased social status from being LGBT

t. sheltered MAGAidiot

>an entire month dedicated to faggots
>protected class in the workforce. Even the most vile get preferential treatment.

You’re a disgusting disingenuous turd.

Your father never used the word “proud” when talking about you.

Oh yeah, everyone was talking about Caitlyn Jenner before she trooned.

>an entire month dedicated to faggots
Yeah to celebrate our continued existence despite 30%+ of the population fucking hating us. I'd ask if you think Arab-Americans or Black people or whatever have "increased social status" but I'm sure you'd say "yes" because you are a delusional MAGAidiot

>protected class in the workforce. Even the most vile get preferential treatment.
We are a protected class because ~30%+ of the population hates us. (Frankly quite a bit more in the case of trans people).

>Your father never used the word “proud” when talking about you.
Uh huh. Why is it the people who hate LGBT the most are the very same ones who deny that LGBT are secondary citizens?

she was a rich and famous olympic athlete even before she transed and was married into one of the richest families in the world are you this dumb?

There are a lot of gays on this board, but you, sir, are a faggot.

She was a high profile transition BECAUSE she had been so popular among boomers back in the day (as a man). She was admired back then and seen as a great American figure.

Now she gets tons of shit and bullying.

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and literally nobody was talking about her. Then she trooned, and all eyes were on her. It's not that complicated. Want media attention? Troon out. Tale as old as time.

fakers pretend to be someone they're not, and that's NO GOOD!

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ok?? you realize for the vast majority of trans women the media wouldnt care at all

>waaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa everyone nates us that means we need special privileges

No one is stopping you from being normal

You turn on any "real life stories" program in the UK and there's a tran on screen for literally no other reason than being transgender. It's free attention. That's not really deniable.

>Why is it the people who hate LGBT the most are the very same ones who deny that LGBT are secondary citizens?
Because the people who are pro lgbt have an agenda to promote it and by claiming they're oppressed they can do this more easily

>We want equality by being treated differently than everybody else.

most of us dont live in the UK

Where do you live that trans aren't plastered onto every TV station?

Yeah and the reason you can call me a faggot and expect it to hurt (or post nonstop violent fanart of trannies being murdered) is because LGBT are secondary citizens. You must realize this.

All eyes were on her in a critical way. For every "wow huh so....brave" you have 5 more people who give her shit.

Nobody is stopping you from hating LGBT and leaving us the fuck alone. LOTS of LGBT would happily be "normal" if it meant they could rejoin their families and communities. LOTS of LGBT try to repress or become celibates and fail and suffer miserably the whole time.

>MuH SpEcial PriviLegeS
God I hate this stupid shit. You think some rainbow merch promotions make up for 30%+ of society fucking hating your guts? So fucking stupid.

ohio. there’s like one show with a tranny on network television and that’s on TLC which is literally bottom of the barrel entertainment that people watch to gawk at freaks

>LGBT are secondary citizens
You're confusing the entire community with yourself. Nobody hates the community. We hate people like you.

I'm a faggot and a tranny yet I live a normal life. I'm also very autistic and I have to force myself to be normal and refrain from autistic behavior. Social standards are there for a reason. You are not above this. And now we may watch western society collapse because of you people.

I think the concept is retarded, yes people do stupid shit for attention, but you're fucking kidding if you're telling me they go through the full process and are 'just doing it for attention', even if that was a part of it, there 100% has to be an ulterior motive unless you're Histrionic or something. How do we define fakers aswell without assuming motives? How much they troon out?

Name a station in Ohio which has never had a tran.