Post letter and whether you prefer Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I want to see if the stereotypes for mtfs and ftms are true

Post letter and whether you prefer Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I want to see if the stereotypes for mtfs and ftms are true

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t. stereotypical mtf

Real question is whether you'd take Deathclaw dick or Werewolf dick.

>neither, also video games are boring

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I prefer Fallout just slightly. I really like the post apocalyptic feel combined with the 40s and 50s aesthetic, really neat. I also like the races a bit more. Both game series have really cool lore, though. Also I want to fuck Curie and Piper.

t. ftm

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Elder Scrolls
For what it's worth I'm cottagecore but also very interested in tech, I just think elder scrolls is prettier and less doomer

Fallout probably, mostly because new vegas is the best written rpg I've ever played
However, Morrowind is and will always be my favorite fantasy rpg, and I fucking love dark elves with all my heart

elder scrolls (morrowind only)

elder scrolls. i usually play video games by creating my own narratives in my head, imagining elaborate backstories for npcs and stuff like that. you can sorta play elder scrolls like the sims, so i actually enjoyed it lol

ive played more skyrim and oblivion than anything else even though i do like fallout

i love elder scroll

Fallout because of Fallout 1 and NV
t. cis b m

fembrained, but 60 year old boomer that has no fun

mtf les

fallout 1, 2 and new vegas are a million times better than any of the elder scrolls games. elder scrolls is way better than fallout 3, 4 or 76

I like skyrim because you can wear the boobie armour

straight mtf
fantasy > sci-fi, and the elder scrolls is damn good fantasy

Elder Scrolls. Desert wastelands are just too depressing of an environment.

I havent booted my coomer scrolls playthrough once since starting HRT though

t. winkhon

isometric fallout games. the rest are either okay or trash. Josh Sawyer should never be allowed near fallout again

fallout (though strangely because my boyfriend introduced me 1 and 2 when I was still a gay guy).
t. bi mtf

I MUCH prefer Fallout over TES
Fallout NV => Fallout 1 = Fallout 2 > Fallout 3 >>> Fallout 4 > Oblivion > Morrowind >>> Skyrim

wait I mean
Fallout NV => Fallout 1 = Fallout 2 > Fallout 3 > Oblivion > Morrowind >>> Fallout 4 > Skyrim

Fallout 2, as a sum of its parts, is my favourite, but as a whole the game just feels like a mess. Going to San Francisco after the big mid-late game reveal feels like getting a cake thrown in your by a clown face after finding out that your house is being reposessed or some shit, plus the early game is a total slog fest unless you do a Navarro run which is tedious in itself and makes you way too OP

Elder Scrolls
Fantasy is a much more comfy setting than barren wastelands with uranium.
Also magic/enchanting/alchemy are much more fun and diverse than guns/weapon mods can be if they are supposed to be somewhat realistic.
But I'm really excited for starfield. The exploration/base+ship building seem really fun

Mtf btw

Never played either