Is it gay to like pooners?

Is it gay to like pooners?

Attached: 1299D59F-437F-4936-B9F1-4967285F8966.jpg (432x966, 380.24K)


No, it is not gay for a man to like a woman.

Thats not a woman tho :/

Depends on what parts of him you like.

If you're attracted to an FTM but it's under the assumption that he's just a spicy woman who'll grow out of it, or that you can pressure him out of it, or you're only in it for the pussy and are repulsed by everything else (if on T) then you're straight, but an asshole

If you like an FTM who's been on T for a while, looks like a man, smells like a man, has a masculinised pussy even then whatever it is, it's not straight. Depending on specifics it's in bisexual territory at best

what led you to this conclusion?

That person there isn't a real pooner just a fujoshi who took her fetish too far.

literally a woman no cis man in existence that identifies wholly as a man has ever looked like that EVER

This is what every "alt" 17-23yo bisexual cigarette smoker looks like

Devon Erickson looked like that

Attached: 36A2AE98-B35D-4465-9F7B-F785FE590ED2.jpg (1400x934, 111.7K)

He's ftm
What about femboys?

yes you fucking faggot

It’s gay to be attracted to this?

Attached: D26C7C93-4073-4EBF-AA29-DD54A6CE180B.jpg (415x862, 386.98K)

Not necessarily but it is bisexual

>He's ftm

Why would you be attracted to that, gay or straight

nah androgyny is the objective best thing to be attracted to

What else do you want?
They're cute but definetley look a lot more fem than OP's pic

No I’ve never seen a trans man that looks like a man irl honestly trans men dress more effeminately than straight woman idk if you’d be into the ones that look like fat bearded ladies tho

a reason to take the "to male" part seriously

I'm attracted to that

Poons are not trutrans so no

Take deez nuts seriously

nigga people don’t owe you shit

>soft face
>no penis
>taking the easy route
>attention whoring
It's a woman