Protestor at UK drag queen story time shouts about AGP in front of room of parents and children

Protestor at UK drag queen story time shouts about AGP in front of room of parents and children

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lmao this guy doesn’t even know drag queens are hsts hahahaha what a clown

Some more clips

bri***h "people" can't even tell the difference between drag queens and trannies

for real, lmao, the last video is great because "she" looks like some obese norf fc male fan smothered in garish eyeshadow

this is the real womyn who wants to protect kids from being exposed to acts of disgusting womanface

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this is honestly the worst look thing, these need to stop, they should have youngshit passoid story time, or trad priestess storytime, not non-estrogenized storytime

its just how society is, ignoring that is stupidity and hurts us, but ofc draggards don't care they just want to be flamboyant 80s monstrosities

some things should be invalidated to reduce the risk of genocide backlash, which clearly is already ramping up very fast

"it's all so tiresome"

> "it's all so tire iron"


you're deranged if think they would react any differently to an out trans woman doing this rather than a drag queen


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they would provided you got a normal trans person. it's pretty difficult to sympathize with an enormous dude dressed like a pervert clown compared to a relatively normal looking trans woman.

cis hons keep seething

the appearance of the person doing the reading is immaterial, it's the fact they think LGBT are paedos that causes them to do this shit

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drag queens shouldnt be near kids

How did the combination if drag queens reading to kids even come about? And why?

brits take their kids to pantomimes which have crossdressing actors playing men which is just as pervy as any of these drag queens and imo ten times weirder. Nobody complains about how that's child abuse because it isn't considered a part of queer culture like drag is

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Letting any child be raised by a bong is grooming for sure

lol most of them aren't even trans, they're just cis gay men. literally the opposite of AGP

She looks more like a queen than most queens because of those yeeyee ass sharpie eyebrows she drew on. lel

I assume because pantomiming stories meshes with drag as performance. but honestly I didn't even know this was a real thing and not just a false flag thing.

This is actually sort of great. Autogynephilia is a term that's used by gender criticals and has become strongly associated with them. What we're seeing here is the natural melding together of right wing crackpottery and the gender critical movement. In the end this will cost them all of their respectability. If this keeps up being a TERF will code you the same way as being that weird racist uncle that nobody wants to talk to on the holidays.

>the appearance of the person doing the reading is immaterial
of course it isn't... study after study has shown that people are significantly influenced by people's appearances when it comes to judging how trustworthy they are. plus a good amount of homophobia and transphobia has to do with kneejerk feelings of disgust or confusion. if you dress up in an elaborate costume you're only making things worse.

you know we're not talking about the uk, right? not to mention those characters are intentionally played for laughs, they're not meant to be taken seriously and they certainly aren't there to teach lessons about diversity and gender and shit to children.

You're so wrong it hurts. The way that anti-trans activists convert moderates to their cause is by claiming that they support gender non-conforming behavior. When right wing crackpots storm into drag story times which are just PG rated celebrations of gender non-conformity using TERF terminology it undermines this tactic brutally. I do drag as a hobby and it is SUPER popular with urban and suburban white women. Getting gender criticals to attack drag will be an enormous win for trans rights because it will get us more allys among cis women and cis gays.

this is something i actually want an answer to, forget about all of the social politics surrounding it - why and how the fuck is "drag queen story time" even a thing? who started it? why do I hear about it constantly?

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do passoid youngshits or midshits have a place in drag or would I be seen as a weird novelty queen?

I mean they kind of already are if you know enough about alt right and terf groups you can spot similarities undernesth their "feminist" coating. They absolutely hate gender non conformiity, they believe in biological determinism, they are quite often racist or at least unwilling to discuss racism (intersectionality is their enemy), reducing women to their capacity to breed, and other things

>you know we're not talking about the uk, right?
The news story in OP is from the UK