/ftmg/ female to mascfemale general why do none of you wanna make new threads edition

Someone else can link the other thread

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Qott 1: have you ever injured yourself? If so how?
Qott2: have you ever done hard drugs? If so, which.

Prev >26866974
I wanna slam meth so badly right now


if you mean getting injured accidentally too many times to list
if you mean self harm then no
coke. dk if xannies count as a hard drug

Fuck it, I need money so back to the kitchen I go

Guess I really am a woman

>I wanna slam meth so badly right now


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>Be me
>Playing through Skyrim again for the first time in a while
>Suddenly look down at my tits
>Suddenly insanely horny instead of being disgusted that they’re on my body like usual
>Head to bathroom to masturbate in peace
>Need to pee
>Sudden impulse to masturbate as pissing and taste it
>Do so
>Coom within seconds
>Instant post-nut clarity, disgusted with self and dysphoric
>But my t-dick still hard
>Masturbate again but this time questioning my decisions
>Coom again
>Even more disgusted with self
>Go to kitchen to eat a sandwich
>Writing this now, regretting ever cooming this way

Anyone else have a similar experience? If not and you read this you’re welcome, now you can be glad it’s not you

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If you were a woman you'd do porn already.

Please do not put the numbers in the squares like that it's a horrible horrible strategy, you really don't need to.

Look up a basic video on Sudoku strategy, I beg of you.

Qott 1: have you ever injured yourself? If so how?
Fucked up my clavicle twice
Qott2: have you ever done hard drugs? If so, which.
No :( At most I've done dabs
I want to be able to summon Joe to the chat I think he's hot I want his pictures
Please boys post cute pictures

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bro's the sudoku sergeant

>Qott2: have you ever done hard drugs? If so, which?
Heroin. I've never tried meth or cocaine, I went straight to black tar heroin like a ritard

>never tried meth
There can't be a decrease in speed if you never tried it

Hey someone actually knows what ritard is. I'm impressed by you user. You can have some of my kebab and fries

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am I brainwormed if I assume any grown man who is shorter than me (5’6) is ftm more often than not? I swear I saw 4 pooners in the 2 days

Do you really have to ask

I'm a musician so I'm familiar with the term
Looks pretty yummy thanks man

Qott 1 minorly injured myself a bunch of times accidentally

Qott 2 no I haven’t even had alcohol before

Weird as hell that I owe everything for being where I’m at in my transition to some random user who I’ll never know his name. Gave me the source of test I used before it was common knowledge (and seems to have gone down since). I wonder where I would be at if not for ftmg. I technically became certain I was ftm due to Terje for crying out loud. Wack

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Lingerie suggestions?

Rihanna fenty x


I mean like, I'm getting cow lingerie

Other genres of stuff

Poonie poonie swing those hips
No one will think you're F without those tits

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