Gender dysphoria isn't real

i am just porn addicted. these feelings will pass. i am ultimately fine with being a man, and i will never know what it's like to be a woman. my family hates me for being alive already and i can't imagine how much of a disappointment i would be if i ever came out and tried to get on hrt.

i am talking to my psychiatrist about these feelings, but my family nor anyone would never understand. i've shut myself in the last few years and i have no friends, no connections i truly consider worthwhile. i talk to people online, and i guess it's the only times where i truly feel honest, but i've also spouted so much bullshit online and then when i find out those people live close to me/they propose we meet, i back out and i usually sever connections once i piss people off by doomtalking too much.

i don't know what i'm even alive for. what the fuck am i supposed to do with my life? i wish i could move away so my family would stop fucking me in the head about how useless i am. i don't want a family, i don't want a partner, i don't want kids, i want peace. i want to rent myself a small apartment and have my pc, ps4 and an internet connection. that's it, that's all i want, that's all that gives me joy, games, anime and the internet. i never go outside for drinks or talk to people because i am weird as fuck and i am always paranoid they will find out what i jerk off to or that i have these weird fucked up thoughts.

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Is this the same guy who's been at this for months? That's sad but it's retarded that you still insist porn causes your gender dysphoria

Seems like you're harboring love for your family despite their cruelty and value their opinions and those of society that resemble your family more than your own opinions and feelings
This is a bad cope and I hope your psychiatrist helps you find a good path forward

I love Breakcore I'm such a doomer

We do appreciate a good amen break
Who are your favorite breakcore artists? Have you explored more of the wider DnB genre?

yes, i'm the same person.

I'm the same person who sometimes points out that you're the same person. Tbh it seems like your life is shit regardless of whether you transition, you need to start doing some kind of socialising and work to get your self worth up. Is gender dysphoria and shame disrupting your ability to "get out there'

I stopped listening months ago and I can't remember if I had a fav one

play my game on that ps4 of yours next month, (or pc), you will make friends and be less lonely and can live your truth atleast in a virtual world

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yes, it's the shame and also because i am so bored and i have a superiority complex
i don't know what to talk with normal people about, because i just spend my time at home watching anime, playing videogames and thinking i'm "above them"

my life is just shit and i am responsible for a big part of it, but also just because i feel weird when i'm with people and i never feel like i belong or have any true friends. i feel like if i were to kill myself, nothing would change, nobody would miss me or give a shit. i don't have any goals in life or anything, i just want to achieve peace, and maybe death would help.

cope seethe pills alice


I can relate to that, it took me a long time to let my guard down and accept that I'm just some guy (girl) and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for if you have all the best taste or knowledge, you have to make life happen yourself. I still struggle a lot with shame but now I'm transitioning (only out to close friends) I feel it's easier to see myself as a person instead of forcing myself through the day without interacting with anyone

That's the dumbest shit, if you are already at the point of considering suicide, why the hell are you convinced that taking HRT isn't worth it? Even if you see it as a "permanent solution to a temporary problem" it's a whole lot less permanent than suicide.

I used to think I'd get over gender dysphoria too OP, after 12 years I finally realized it was literally never going away no matter how little porn I watched.

it isn't worth it because i'm still trying to repress and combat these feelings and live normally

Embrace Masculinity and Testosterone

Given that you’re posting here for attention like a 15 year old tumblr girl, you already know what it’s like to be a woman. Pills, Alice.

>you already know what it’s like to be a woman.
i don't
i wasn't born as one, and will never be one

Ok but OP, you'll literally never be happy as long as gender dysphoria persists. If you are already near the point of suicidality the idea that you'll ever go back to "normal" is honestly laughable.

nah i'm just joking haha i'm not truly suicidal
i am suicidal because of stupid thoughts and shit not because i'm a woman
i'm not a woman

Whether or not you are a woman is just semantics. What isn't semantics is that you have a good chance of:
>Having potentially sizable breasts with mammory glands
>Wider hips if you are less than 25
>No more erections
>You'll probably reach the point where some straight guys will want to fuck you
>If you get a good surgery, you can have a neovagina that allows you to replicate piv sex nearly exactly with a male partner
>People will gender you as she/her without you saying anything
>People will treat you like a woman, holding doors and ignoring your opinions
>Your body hair will thin out significantly picrel is my leg after not shaving for 6 months

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