Authors in LGBTP+ Community

Is he based?

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I haven't read the book but if I recall correctly this person is advocating for treating pedophila as a harmful mental disorder and not as thoughtcrime, because it would encourage pedos to seek treatment, which would reduce actual sex crimes against children

Problem is when you look like the author it makes you an easy target, great example of what happens when you live your life in a bubble and don't consider how the wider public will view that kind of advocacy

Sounds like repression not embracing of what you are.

Equality for all!

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It is 100% that, but they go a little further to advocate for stuff like lolicon and sex dolls for pedo's. Some may find that disgusting, but as a CSA victim I would have much rather my abuser used loli or plastic to get off and not me.


>when you look like the author
This is such a stupid problem. Unattractive people should be allowed to try and improve the world without getting called evil Satanists child predators for not being sexy enough for 60 IQ mouthbreathers like OP to jack off to.

The ugly aiden is actually right about this desu. Women DO consume shotacon garbage the most. Good luck getting radfems, Any Forumsfags or even troomers to admit that (muh pure trad maidens, they have not seen a penis before!)

Unfortunately the aidentard uses this statistic to say pedophilia is good

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>female pedophiles get called "young heterosexual women"
how do people say female privilege isn't real

most sublte pol larper

also women and mothers are about 2/3rds of all child sexual abuse incidents worldwide
women be molesting their children

It’s definitely real in this case. Even if they actually offend, it’s not seen as a big deal by most of society, “because when I was a young boy, I would’ve loved to get raped by an older woman!!”

Young girls similarly want to date hot men. It's a double standard in society.

I don’t think this is saying pedophilia is good lol. The thing is that people are going to be pedos regardless of whether or not that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and the goal here is to try and prevent them from abusing children.

So same with homosexuals (aka child predators/rapists)

Thanks for reminding me that there are no reasonable people on this website.

The liberal model of "pedo = bad" is constructed upon consent ethics and consent ethics are laughable. You need a better model for sexuality if you want to prevent the inevitable conclusion of Liberal consent ethics with regard to minors, one that treasures sexuality as something to be shared between spouses sharing a covenantal bond of friendship as opposed to a consensual expression of hedonistic indulgence. Consent is necessary but insufficient, there's no stopping this train for as long as Liberal consent ethics persist.

Your welcome for the truth injection.

Women are child predators and rapists dumb Any Forumsfag. Thats the entire point of the image I posted. Keep coping that its the evil sodomites
Btw, if its fags raping kids, how come kids don't get HIV?

*shits on the floor*
Here’s your truth injection bro.

Seems right for a child rapist (hono/trans) alright.

Silly dumb dumb
Transexuals want to change their secondary sex characteristics and homosexuals are attracted to the same sex. Nothing to do with pedophilia, you silly :) it is a completely different thing


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To elaborate further, children CAN consent and that's precisely why the consent model fails. Academic elites are aware but refuse to do away with it because it's also the basis for the sexual revolution, which is what allows them to engage in polyamory and be fuckmeat cumholes on Grindr.

Oh you silly dumb dumb and your silly antics

It truly is silly. I mean can you imagine finding an example of cishet man raping a little girl and saying all cishet men are pedophile rapist and that they are not actually attracted to oposite sex adults but little girls?
Such silliness! Did polucks even finish school? Teehee

Ok kiddie rapist.

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