Cis lesbians will try to tell you they're some of the wokest groups. This is a lie. Most terfs are cis lesbians...

Cis lesbians will try to tell you they're some of the wokest groups. This is a lie. Most terfs are cis lesbians. They're women who hate amabs like you transitioning. Don't believe their lies

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All women hate amabs

And other afabs too.

What does "pressured" mean, they get likes on tinder and they had to swipe left? Cis women were a mistake, take the chaserpill

t. chaser

women hate everything.
it's why i'm gay.
i am free.

i’m all for shitting on terfy lesbians, just acting like entitled rapehons don’t exist is however isn’t the solution

Cis lesbian:
"Sorry I dont like penis and ai am not into trans women"


Yes I wonder why cis lesbians despise trannies

im a bi tranny and id take the chaserpill if u guys werent so awful. last 2 times i got with chasers i got manipulated and raped. and yes, to answer ur question they claim being swiped right on tinder is being pressured. read the article, one part of the article has a cis lesbian consensually dating a tranny, who she knows is a tranny, but at some point after dating for a long time she changes her mind and acts as if she was brainwashed or something. they also quote a cis lesbian whose a masive rapist who unironically wants a tranny genocide in the article. they dont give any actual examples of rapehons pressuring them to sex. all cis people are just awful, afab and amab. this is why im t4t. im only ever dating other trannies and pooners

Troons are not entitled to vagina any more than any other guy. For the sake of shit stirring I remind them they voted for this and to not accept the feminine peepee makes them a terf. I'd never touch a Frankenstein penis though.

>*strawman of a whole demographic*
Why are they all like this?

Most TERFs are straight or bi women. Most lesbians dislike TERFs. Shit thread.

If you are not a rapehon,then thats not directed at you
But they sure as hell exist

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>Cis lesbians will try to tell you they're some of the wokest groups
they actually are and most are very accepting. but fucking rapehons from reddit & twitter screeching about ‘girldick’ and telling lesbians theyre transphobic for not sleeping with them is ruining it. i hate them i hate them, i know we should be pulling together to defend ourselves right now but god i hate rapehons if they died 90% of terf ammunition would be gone and it would just be bitter old women laughing at ugly people and nobody would take them seriously anymore

I hate to victim blame but have you tried not ghosting on guys who don't try to jump on your dick within 10 hours of the first message? I'm sick and tired of chatting up trans girl who seems interested and then unmatches/blocks if I go more than a day without checking my chats. I get it, being responsive and attentive is a key part of being in a relationship but it's not a goddamm relationship if we're just talking on a dating app, some guys just aren't interested in moving at hyperspeed into instant sex. I can tell you for sure this is a tranner problem not a woman problem in general because cissies don't behave this way, I can ask a girl out after a week, two weeks, three weeks and it's nbd. Tranners though you have to go from "it's a match" to ass pounding in 24 hours or less, or she'll ghost. Ever consider maybe the method you're using to pick a mate is not working well for you?

>Sex entitled minority of group of people exists
See, this is why that entire group doesn't deserve rights!

Sex entitled cis lesbians exist too, and guess what, no trannies are out there trying to take away their rights. How about we stop acting like discussions about trans rights have to factor in creeps, as if they only exist as trans people?

>See, this is why that entire group doesn't deserve rights!
nobody’s saying that. we’re saying the creeps need to shut the fuck up voluntarily or us normal trannies need to come together and ostracize them and make that type of attitude unacceptable in our spaces. if we constantly allow (or deny the existence of) rapist male behavior among trans women then we’ll never get any better. i think people are realizing this though, our fight for rights is actually real and we cant tolerate dead weight.

I most certainly can, at least for cis women. If you don't believe me, make a profile with a picture of a guy, and try matching both cis and trans women. The behavior is markedly different.

>or us normal trannies need to come together and ostracize them
>"our spaces"
what does this mean? kick them out of fucking discord groups? you live in fantasy land. trannies don't have fucking "spaces". most trannies never even go outside

this was the source the BBC was using btw. most of the cases had the cisf being the one initiating the flirting/relationships and half the terf group didn't even agree with the premise. it's a made up issue.
bad people will always exist on every dating app in every demographic, this does not mean anything

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>most of the cases had the cisf being the one initiating the flirting/relationships.

this behavior should be considered predatory if they turn around and try to paint the trans woman as creepy/predatory, because that shit could seriously mess up some trans women for life.

i simply don’t want sex pests ruining our reputation even more. we can’t police every tranny, but we at least can do our best to communicate that the “genital preference is transphobic” hons are an minority that we don’t like either

The article literally quoted a serial rapist to attack trans oeople, also the people who got "pressured" were fone eith it at the moment and only became angry after the relationship ended.
Btw yes cis lesbians ARE some of the most supportive demographic, it is a small minority of lesbiand who are terfs and a small minority of terfs are lesbians,

That's absolutely what happened in a lot of cases. "I saw a cute girl at a party and then she disclosed to me she was trans before we even did anything! She tricked me with her feminine wiles!! We still dated for six months after but then I realized i was dating a MAN! I WAS RAPED!!! RAPED!!! RAPED!!!! TROON TRANNY MAN RAPE!!!!":

which hons are those? 99% of the people who say that line are cis allies on social media, not trannies.

if you really were liberal you would be fine with girl dick. The point of modernity is that biology does not matter, the end result is only the mind counts. Every year with AI biology becomes less and less important. In the future you will suck girl dick and you will enjoy it and if you die before it then any descendants you have will.