Can nofap stop me from transitioning?

can nofap stop me from transitioning?

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yes bro. trust me.

no you’ll just get hornier which might make whatever your problem is worse

shit in a jar. place that jar on your nightstand. label it with "this is what trannies are". let it be the first thing you see each morning. i've been going 5 years strong with this technique and have no signs of letting up.

youre male brained dont transition

nah, but if youre a porn addict it can help with that. but it ismt ginna make you not a tranny

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Nah, its just gonna make you relapse and jerk off to weirder things over time

nofap will only work long-term if you meet a very specific set of criteria

what criteria?

No, Nofap is a meme

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I didn't fap until 20 because of bottom dysphoria, so I don't think it'll solve it for you either

No fap will turn you into a high T chad. I had pretty intense dysphoria in high school and I stopped jacking off, got super into working out, studying, started reading novels again started dressing better, you know really got my life together.

that's why you sit on this board and answer to these threads, you totally would do it when you have so many better things to do

That wasnt nofap, it was believing in muh motivational bullshit that goes with it

He's a based king giving out earnest advice

>No fap will turn you into a high T chad. I had pretty intense dysphoria in high school and I stopped jacking off, got super into working out, studying, started reading novels again started dressing better, you know really got my life together.



As a disgusting fetishist freak I feel stronger urge to crossdress and behave faggy when I'm not in a state of post nut clarity