What are the implications for the gay community now that transsexualism is logically impossible...

What are the implications for the gay community now that transsexualism is logically impossible? How can a human come into existence without a male and female?

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>That image
There are male women, though? Even if you ignore transgender women, there are women with CAIS. The dyad is men and women, not male and women. A woman can be male or female.

Consider this; if society wasn't so conservative and people just encouraged others to be their authentic self far fewer people would transition. Mostly taking HRT is a way to blend in and present a feminine appearance without getting discriminated for it.

The whole framework is simply a way of validating people and letting them have a role in society since men are such snowflakes they can't handle people putting on makeup in their locker room.

This is a cute cope but meaningless, i think they just learned some new words and wanted to use them.

Nothing they have said even remotely approaches the fact that we have medical technology now that alters peoples' sexual characteristics. Whats the rebuttal to this? Nothing.

Furthermore while you could argue big does not exist without small, yellow can certainly exist without blue and blue is not necessary for the existence of red.

I don't think this is true desu. It is for some people but not for many others. I'm a trans woman and I'm masc as hell lol.

>Nothing they have said even remotely approaches the fact that we have medical technology now that alters peoples' sexual characteristics. Whats the rebuttal to this? Nothing.
this is the best argument for being pro-trans and it irritates me that more people don't make it and instead fall back on 'sex isn't gender' bullshit, biological sex is changeable (to an extent) and anyone who disagrees is literally a coper who denies science

This isn't even a little true.

Oh for sure. Gender is a huge spectrum. It is just my best argument against this nonsense. Linking HRT as a response to societal pressure and homophobia really turns their own arguments against them IMO.

This is the central point that terfs argue.

maybe this is true for people with social dysphoria but i think instances of physical dysphoria are probably way more common

It is literally the origins of HRT therapy. There is a long history of transition as the only valid form of homosexuality.

You can't deny society's role for making people feel a need to pass. It is a defense mechanism to avoid harassment and judgement.

I agree! Its nice to find someone else whose noticed this. The technology exists, continues to be refined and is proliferating at a rapid pace. Even while i do see gender as a seperate abstraction of biological sex, the tip of the spear should really by just how much we *can* and *will* be able to change our sexes.

why are you so obsessed with what other people do with their bodies?

I would say though people absolutely have the right to do whatever they want with their body and should be respected for whatever they identify as without conditions. It is an inalienable right fundamental to the human condition.

You have to separate those arguments from the motivation for transition. There are absolutely a ton of people who have to present masculine in their day to day life to be considered professional just because they don't take HRT.

I'm just speaking from my personal experience with transition and employment discrimination. HRT was a magical bullet that let me actually present feminine at work.

>spends 2 paragraphs introducing big words to sound smart
>doesn't actually use those concepts in his explanation
if male and female were dyadic they'd just be halves of something greater, it's literally not relevant at all

yeah I just feel people who use the gender/sex argument are basically conceding the transphobic argument that trans men are fundamentally female and trans women are fundamentally male, which isn't even true on a physical level for those who've transitioned

I take HRT because I want to modify my body, nothing to do with social acceptance

no, gender is binary and based on sex.
you are confusing gender with gender expression, which is on a spectrum and varies individually and culturally.

Aaaaand everything in that post can be discarded as meaningless drivel.

mucho texto

I doubt that

OP of the thread posted here.

Is everyone on this board retarded? Jesus, it's like, basic logic. If you cut your balls off, and disconnect yourself from the great chain of being, then it's not that you're no longer biologically male, or psychologically male, or even that you're no longer human ... it's that you're disconnected from the specifically male relation to the specifically female component of the structure of human being.

Cutting off your nuts because you believe you're a woman just makes you a nutless guy who thinks he's a girl. It doesn't even make you less male, it just makes you less naturally human.

Attached: 1652503759527.jpg (2400x1382, 3.31M)

>t. brainlet who thinks he isn't a brainlet

>t. man who thinks he isn't a man.

>spiritual retardation
Just go back to /x/

It's called logic, try it some time. Also, your stubble is showing.