Is it normal a normal Troon thing I think I should detransition every few days?

Is it normal a normal Troon thing I think I should detransition every few days?

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i get that way too but only because i started so late and look like a grown man and i feel like shouldn't have even bothered sometimes

but you're really young and already look very fem so i don't think detrooning would be the right move for you.

You're probably cis

I have literally never considered it since starting hrt 2.5 years ago
I would sooner commit suicide than detrans

I see thank you
Yeah that makes a lot of sense
> look like a guy
> fem

you look 1000% more feminine than me at least
your face is round and your skin is soft and you have really big eyes
my face is angular and my skin is ruined by my beardshadow because i'm a lateshit and i have a really big man nose

omg u described the way i look too

oh uh
nice i think
maybe idk

Cheese is an ftm, anons...

then what? I still look like shit

literally me except im a man without significant hope to pass


I’m mtf

I think you'll make it into a healthy state eventually. I wish you lived near me so I could take you out for kayaking, beach walks, etc so you'd focus less on dumb shit and give your body the time to fully develop under estrogen until one day you'd realize you have titties leaking milk and YWNBAM.

I'm an incredibly indecisive person with bad anxiety and I felt that way for a long time but after a lot of deliberation I find that transitioning really is the best for me

A-user, if I lived near you which hair colour would you like me to have?

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I think the red one would suit you best and it would be least damaging to your hair because you don't have to bleach for it. Loreal has some good orange and red permanent hair dyes. Don't fall into the bleaching trap.

>Is it normal a normal Troon thing I think I should detransition every few days
Yes, specially during the first months.
Usually it's internalized transphobia+homophobia, and you feeling it could be ok because you don't feel as much dysphoria as before (because you're on HRT).
I've never been happier since I started HRT, yet from time to time I get thoughts saying I should repress, shave my head and hit the gym hard again. It goes away after some time.

Uh? I don’t want to damage my hair so tell me more. I actually was thinking to do too left since the goth look (oddly enough, considering my eyes) doesn’t really suit me

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You don't need to be goth for hair like this. Zenibyfajnie influenced a lot with her hair and she's not goth. Just get a red or orange hair dye and use it. Maybe it will improve your confidence. Ask someone to make sure you applied it everywhere and evenly.

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I’m gonna get them dyed tomorrow at an hairstyler, and as a lot of everything I do I’ll choose at the last moment.
>dye half my head red and black and the other half blonde and black
Idk, it’s not even dysphoria it’s just “ew, so much effort for nothing beside I’m so bored” tho I have a lot of dysphoric “I wanna die I’ll never be a woman”, so I suppose I’m just completely retarded (or an hrt femboy!)

I hope the outcome makes you happy. :)