Any other he/him girlmoding MtFs? Am I the only one?

Any other he/him girlmoding MtFs? Am I the only one?

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You should be the only one to kill yourself


I hope not. I just want to call my gf bro all the time because I cannot stop saying bro or dude and then they would get upset if they weren't okay with it.

Wait, what?

What is there not to understand?

Yes there are a lot of femboys, probably more than transgirls

Based. If I can't call you a faggot while I fuck you in the ass then that's a big turn off.

I'm asexual

is this some kind of psychological self harm?

why is this giving me cringe vibes

no i’m a she/her manmoder

you're not the only one OP
although I'm more of a boymoder who just started girlmoding by accident and never bothered to formally come out, my pronouns at work read "He/Him" so everyone, even the super lefty communists still call me that

I'm not a femboy I have dysphoria and prefer being called she

>mfw been girlmoding since the start
>mfw couldn't get HRT without presenting in the shittiest girlmode

Boymoding was never an option. Coming up on two years here and things are going pretty swell :)


Nah, middle of nowhere Canada at the start of the pandemic. Thankfully there's more options for doctors now lol

>mfw I got an NHS trained physician

I'm a he\she\they\it mtf "girlmoder"
How do I make my straight bf do that

ain't that just enby

Tfw accidentally call gf a good boy in bed
MTFs, you would forgive your bf for this right???

i laughed at this then realized i'm doing the exact same thing but as a pooner

Only if he put a collar on me :3