I’m the frat guy who made threads a couple weeks ago...

I’m the frat guy who made threads a couple weeks ago. This board convinced me to start dating the trans girl I was seeing. I’m here to do an update if anyone remembers and has questions

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How’s the relationship going?

Why would you want cheap, and disgusting knock-offs of real pussy?

Based frat bro what’s up it’s good to see you back

Get your gf to rush a sorority

It’s going good. We do lots of fun stuff together and she seems overjoyed and she seems really happy and tells me no guy has treated her like this before.

I like her for more than just sex. Sex with her is amazing tho. And she doesn’t have srs

If you remember from my last posts she is already in a sorority

Aww this is so sweet I’m rooting for yall

That's even worse. How could you love a cheap knock off of a superior and natural creature? (REAL Woman)


I’ve had long term relationships with several cis women. I don’t think of my current gf as inferior whatsoever. Being with her is great so far

HE is. In every way HE is inferior. I refuse to entertain that specimen's delusion of being a woman.

You thought about how you could dominate her. That's kinda gay user.

Have you tried having sex. I think you’d be a lot less mad if you did

has she topped you yet?

No. But we've been entertaining the idea.

I have sex with REAL pussy. Not pus filled Neo axe wounds like OP.

op said his gf has a dick

No and she’s not going to. I don’t want to be topped and she absolutely doesn’t want me to bottom.

My gf hasn’t had srs and isn’t going to


Yeah sure you do user. And I have a mustang

Damn is that her, bro?

bro you came to the wrong board

A few days ago I took her to an extremely nice (and unfortunately expensive) dinner and she loved it, thankfully I make decent money. I’ve introduced her to a few friends and it seemed to go ok. No one is aware she’s trans.

Nah I’m too smart to post my gf on here. But she is very hot

Very lovely n___n Are you beginning to daydream about long-term possibilities, or is it too early for that? Would you want your gf to eventually become your housewife or would you prefer that double-income lifestyle?

Idk obviously things like marriage would be a long way off but I do like her and see a lot of potential. I’m not sure if she’d want to be a housewife, she’s going to nursing school rn.