I am a confused cis dude. I normally bristle at the thought of fucking another man as a man...

I am a confused cis dude. I normally bristle at the thought of fucking another man as a man. But when I fantasize being a cute girl in cute frilly clothes, I want to be worshipped, raped and bukkake'd by men. Am i gay or not?

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AGP and slutpilled enough for onlyfans

gay butt slut who should try getting railed in a skirt

Literally me. Only want to transition because I know I'll make bank on onlyfans.

gay fantasies are boring. YWNBAW

>I am a confused cis dude
no you're not.
Since you're asking questions on this board, I'll be the judge of that.
>when I fantasize being a cute girl in cute frilly clothes, I want to be worshipped, raped and bukkake'd by men
many such cases, you should ask your cis hetero male friends about this, they definitely picture themselves as attractive women when they're turned on, just like you, since you're a cis hetero me.
they all wanna be fucked by men, undoubtedly
>Am i gay or not?
Ur not gay, ur a tranny in denial who can repress thoughts about being a girl just fine, but can't repress your orientation (u can't argue with an orgasm, so it reveals you for who you truly are)

>ur a tranny in denial who can repress thoughts about being a girl just fine, but can't repress your orientation (u can't argue with an orgasm, so it reveals you for who you truly are)

not OP but I have been fantasizing about being a girl in sexual situations since I was quite young...and have indulged it fully over the years...but I still have a preference for cis-het sex with women and orgasm just fine from that as well...am I repressing? I have no dysphoria.

this is how i used to think in high school.
i'm a tranny now, obviously.

>not OP but I have been fantasizing about being a girl in sexual situations since I was quite young
well yeah? That's because that's what you are, you can't rewire that shit by force of will and working out
>but I still have a preference for cis-het sex with women and orgasm just fine from that as well
-You don't have issues using your junk?
-You never go soft suddenly and need to imagine being feminized/being fucked as a girl by a man?
>I have no dysphoria
All right, why are you here as a "cis-het man with a preference for women"?
If you could rewrite history and be born as a girl, would you prefer that to your current situation?

>if I don't treat women exactly as I picture getting treated in my fantasies where I'm a women I go limp

>-You don't have issues using your junk?
>-You never go soft suddenly and need to imagine being feminized/being fucked as a girl by a man?
No. Never. I am a horny fuck and pretty much am fixated on havinf sex with women...its only in quiet fantasy time that I think about me being a woman...or even just a feminized me.

>All right, why are you here as a "cis-het man with a preference for women"?

Cuz I do have a side that gets very turned on by larping as a female in a sexual context

>If you could rewrite history and be born as a girl, would you prefer that to your current situation?

I dont know. sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think no....I never really have a desire to be a female 24/7- it doesnt really occur to me on a day to day basis or when I am out on the streets....its only when I really think about it do I wonder maybe...but then it may be just cuz I think it would be so much easier to get sex. I think I am just a coombrain

>living vicariously through the women you date
it is truly over my man.
Are you at least self-aware about this? Cos if you're not, your future is
-stage 1: calling yourself a male lesbian
-stage 2: switching to from cis to trans women to live vicariously through
-stage 3: stealing your gfs estradiol pills

I'd recommend you not ignore this, time is running out and the earlier you figure yourself out, the earlier you can start living a remotely normal life.
Just in case, living vicariously through women you date and imagining yourself in their place IS NOT normal life for a straight man
hey user, you shouldn't ignore what I said either, it's is most likely you're gonna look back on this moment when you're older, and you'll want to bash your skull in with a hammer because you were coping instead of listening to people who went through what you're going through.
It's your choice though, you can continue believing that all hetero men love larping as a woman, but in this case I would actually go the extra mile and ask the guys you know about this. If it's a normal straight thing to do, they'll understand, right?

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Yeah I've known my sexuality isn't a normal man's from a very young age and yeah I've realized those are my options and it seems hopeless desu

>hey user, you shouldn't ignore what I said either, it's is most likely you're gonna look back on this moment when you're older, and you'll want to bash your skull in with a hammer because you were coping instead of listening to people who went through what you're going through.
lol. I am older than you and have been at this a lot longer than you. I am not ignoring what you said...you are ignoring what I said- my PREFERENCE is for cis-het sex with women. I have no dysphoria. My AGP is a cope for when I cant get sex with women.

>you can continue believing that all hetero men love larping as a woman
why are you putting words in my mouth? I never said that. All I know is that I love larping as a women sexually on occasion...but not as much as I love having sex with actual women. I have explored both fully and know exaclty what I like and who I am. Im clealry not hetero...more bisexual.

but somehow I am repressing and should troon out now lol.

>I am older than you
You're 28?
>why are you putting words in my mouth?
ur right, you didn't say that
>but somehow I am repressing
I do still think that. cis men don't have AGP, but you do you, I'll stop.
>and should troon out now lol
Never said that
>I have no dysphoria. My AGP is a cope for when I cant get sex with women.
Alrightey then, have a good life my man

my goal in life is just to become Galko chan, I think she's literally perfect!
it activates my AGP by going from hikkiomori to giga stacey lol

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>You're 28?
older. in my 30s
>cis men don't have AGP, but you do you,
I have mild AGP with no dysphoria- does that make me trans?

...I absolutely am doing me...and always have...thats what makes me special.

you dont have any answers only salutations lol.

>you dont have any answers only salutations lol.
I don't, I kinda lost interest talking to you and I thought why bother, you're doing OK, right?
Also, if something drastic eventually changes in your life, I'd like to read your testimonial about it on the board, and the later it happens, the more entertaining it will be
>older. in my 30s
I see, are you married? Where do you live?

>I see, are you married? Where do you live?
yes. married with kid. My wife knows about my AGP and my sexual history and still loves me :)

>Where do you live?
Western US.

extremely based