Ive become a fucking normie

just now as i was scrolling netflix to look for something to watch while cooking dinner i had a fucking awful realization. let me describe my day
>wake up at 7:30
>shower, moisturize, have bf do injection and prep for morning
>get breakfast at dunkin during my morning jog
>come home, do some virtual work for a few hours
>scroll instagram and watch collegehumor videos to pass the time, unironically laugh
>prepare to cook paella for me and my bf, turn on ncis by default when the realization hits me
ive become a boring fucking normie passoid how do i become cool again

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You don't, keep being a normies. You are what we want to become.

idk i feel like ive become fake and a loser. me and my bestie literally went to the lake and had charcuterie last night what kind of gay adult shit is that ive betrayed everything i wanted to be

What did you want to be?
I think your happiness is what matters. If doing normie shit or schizo shit makes you happy, then that's all that matters.

i wanted to be this cool journalist or literati who would do exposes or investigations into internet culture and write books like the devil in the white city about subcultures and stuff but now im genuinely happy with my stupid little marketing job and writing short stories every few months and submitting them to contests and never winning. maybe it’s a crisis but i feel like i’ve just become default

Just let yourself be happy

i guess but i feel like ive become an npc

>marketing job
It just keeps getting worse..

Why overthink it? Do you enjoy life? That’s what matters.

i told u dude im a total fucking normie it’s so depressing

It's cool you still write though. I think most people have big plans for their future but end up going a different route. It's okay for things to end differently than you expected or wanted. If you're content now, then just enjoy it.

Also I think most people who aren't normies, wish they were normies.

the thing is, i really am. i just would have thought dealing with transition and having had such a hectic younger life i would have been a more interesting person. it’s just kinda sad

That's not wrong because it's normie it's because it's cancer



why?? please dont hurt yourself

can the person who deleted their reply please know that if u wanna become a normie you can. it’s possible for you, but you have to give transition time. it gets better and one day you will feel happy and secure again, i promise

>how do i become cool again
We must have wildly different definitions of cool. You made it out. You’re one of the lucky ones.

>perfecting ways to trick and gaslight people into consooming and buying shit they don't need
>invading every aspect of our lives and private existences you can possibly dig your claws into
You'd put ads in the back of our eyelids if you could. Everything related to marketing are among the most soft-evil jobs you can do. Now cue some kind of corporate babble about how it's "matching people with needs with solutions" or some other nonsense.
Ironically, your temporary hardship of being trans will only serve to justify a lack of moral consideration for your words and actions and fuel your just-world philosophy.

Pick one normalfag

i guess. most trans stuff i dont even think about anymore. maybe this is just refular quarter life crisis
dude i do social media marketing for a non profit
journalism is fucking cool

Work from home isn't normie. It's influencer or neet and you've hacked the system to get paid without actually suffering like everyone else.

my job is hybrid, a lot of recent college grads work almost exclusively hybrid rn

>how do i become cool again
consume good media & engage in good cultural activities & eat from good places just like dont become pretentious about it but yknow know that youre better than normies internally

>journalism is fucking cool
Shut the fuck up LMAO!

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why isn’t it? obviously everyone has a perspective and media bias has become incredibly destructive but ideally it’s pursuit of the truth. nothing wrong w that

Journalists do not tell the truth. The government controls what news is and isn’t allowed to stay up. If you say too much truth then you get censored as “fake” news. If you go into journalism have fun only pushing public-safe versions of stories and retarded social and political ideology .

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See? Literally zero reflective capability

Your response here is a huge red flag. If you actually want to be "cool" again you need to self-reflect and that post would be a great place to start.