Which reddit hon lie do you hate the most?

For me it's the getting height and feet shrinkage lie.

How about y'all?

Attached: 5ae.jpg (1177x640, 200.46K)

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I got taller after ffs. I think because i gained confidence and stopped having bad posture. I think people just get used to overstating as a guy and then switch to understating as a girl

But yeah that one sucks, the worst one is the period stuff though

The fact facial hair would stop (it didn’t and I still can’t afford removal)

I think it’s possible to get slightly smaller after HRT but anyone saying you can lose over one or even two inches of height is just wrong. I’ve seemingly shrunk about half an inch since I started HRT and highly doubt anyone shrinks substantially enough to be easily noticeable.

Ooo yeah I hate the period talk

Yeah facial hair never stopped it just got a little bit lighter for me at least

Personally I just never liked the framing that HRT is "magic". I get it, for some people its probably the most important thing in life to them, but I think it sets up expectations which simply cannot be met by HRT alone. I've known many trans women who think they can just go on HRT and do nothing at all and girl will just happen.

Attached: FLvTDKOVIAA_SEh.jpg (600x760, 83.79K)

passing is transphobic

it's not a lie, I got a little bit taller due to pelvic and posture shifts and my feet got a little smaller

Ha ha yeah this is The one for same-ish with chest hair except mine has mostly become terminal hairs now thankfully

They’re right that being obsessed with passing is transphobic. Why do you think al of us are so obsessed with it on this board?

I hate "trans woman periods". Like wtf, you shouldnt even be getting emotional symptoms because hrt keeps our levels stable and consistent

Yeah except in the 2 years I've been on hrt it's never happened to me. Also everyone who claims this never have proof

I've literally seen my eye color slightly change to a brighter brown before I've seen any evidence of height or feet shrinkage.

I would know because my younger brother is the same height as me if anything were different lol.

We don't transition to look like trannies user

Period talk, it makes us look crazy

Stomach cramps ain't the same as a period you dumb bitch

you can't be serious like you have to take it as effectively completely random and up to genetics and the age and state of your body and all that, and yeah my eye color changed a little too my mom who didn't know I was on hrt pointed it out to me and asked what was up before my dad or even I noticed it

Dysphoria goes away once you transition and have surgeries and pass

passing is truly transsexual and beyond.
Not passing is just being a crossdresser, or drag queen

getting catcalled by men in public. half the time they are making it up to prove they are "real women" because then they have selfies where its like a 50 year old in a wig. but even if its real its so creepy how they treat being abused by men as some sort of proof that they are a woman or some sort of sexual fantasy

I've been catcalled twice
Unfortunately, it was by Turks so I'm not sure if I looked like a woman or a little boy

Ehh, I can buy it, the type of guys who catcall are legitimately braindead anyway.
I'm fucking 6'3" and the only "femme" thing about me if my straightened-hair ponytail.
I've been catcalled a BUNCH. Mostly at night and from behind, but it's definitely a thing.
And I don't pass at all. Not my walk, not my clothes, not my face, nothing.

Euphoria boners

Holy shit I’ve been browsing this board for almost a year (just started HRT last week) and I’ve literally never heard about the eye color change thing, that’s cool as hell! I looked it up and it says my blue eyes, which seemed to get more washed out and greyer as I got older, will turn a deeper blue in the next month. I’m very happy to learn this :)