How might we prevent young women from ending trans rights forever?

How might we prevent young women from ending trans rights forever?

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end fujoshi shaming

This all goes back to letting them vote

deplatform stupid terf detransitioners

ironic how ftmtfs have the same problems as mtfs but end up hating them. like Damn have some solidarity....we both got ugly fuckin man faces....

Unfortunately for most of us the truscum lost.

Notice this only happens in terrible places, such as the UK and the South.

As an MtF, there’s a lot of common struggle between us and FtM detransitioners, and I feel a lot of sympathy for them. I just don’t understand why they have to hate us so much. I want to listen to how we can minimize misdiagnosis, but the vast majority of people who transition do not regret it, these don’t have to be contrary positions.

the problem is the ftm detransitioners in the news are all terfs and i wouldnt be surprised if terf propoganda was a big factor in why they detransitioned

meeting a detransitioner irl is rare but i would suspect that if you do meet a ftmtf they would probably be chill and supportive of you

I genuinely refuse to believe this. She literally fits the rightoid narrative in every way.

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Ban FtMs from transitioning

>therapists were literally telling her not to transition
Wow, that sounds like gatekeeping. Isn't that supposed to be bad?

Yeah, because all it does is impede real trannies. It obviously doesn't stop the real mental cases like in op.

What an idiot. What retard is 15 and doesn't know that breasts are for feeding babies? LOL

Just gatekeep AFABs.

>Following a biology class during which she came to the realization that she would never be able to feed her baby
i think she legit has a mental impairment.
im not joking

As an ftm my first reaction to this was visceral, then i realized that i’m diy and that steroids will never not be available on the grey market because of cis men. AND that the ftms who are determined and dysphoric enough to truly need to transition will do so regardless of legality. I suppose it’d make things harder for guys who want bottom surgery, but its not like ftmtf detrooners ever even get that far. just banning doctors from prescribing ftms hormones should do the trick

>trend following woman becomes “trans” for social clout
many such cases

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Weird how she actually looked more feminine as a man than she does as a woman.

Public school is really really shitty user. I learned fuck all about sex from school, all we got was the condom talk and that was it.

so if we get rid of transitioning because people might be misled by trans activists we're also going to get rid of all cancer treatment because people might be misled by cancer charities right?
do you know how many terrible things you can convince yourself that you have with the help of webmd? that should be banned too.

>so if we get rid of transitioning because people might be misled by trans activists we're also going to get rid of all cancer treatment because people might be misled by cancer charities right?
These things are not the same at all lmao.

they absolutely are unless you've bought into groomer nonsense. the only thing trans activists want is trans people to get the treatment we need. what else?

The most distressing thing about this is that right wing men are listening to women the one time they really shouldn’t