Do MTFs see FTMs as women

Do the MTFs on this board actually see FTMs as women

If you are MTF possibly consider answering the poll

I want to approximate how how many MTFs on this board actually see FTMs as women

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I see them as men, they are very cool

No, but I do see them as sniveling, entitled little wimps

I'll absolutely respect an FTM as a man if he acts like one. So you better simp, fix my plumbing, and not bring up any emotional trauma unless you've had a six pack of Miller.

I'm FTM and I see FTMs as women, or at the very least, enbies with traces of ingrained female socialization and locution.

most of them esp online ones or pooners its hard to not see the femininity but i have met several ftm irl that were stealth and god they were just legit men its wild to think they were AFAB

Depends on the FtM really. If they act faggy then I have a hard time seeing them as men, otherwise I’d say I see them as men.

only if they act like women. same with mtfs that act like men.

t. mtf

But yes a majority pretty obviously do, most ftms see mtfs as males too considering they go out of their way to incessantly simp for them

Actually nvm about the faggy part, I think what said is a bit more accurate for me.

I am ashamed to admit there was a nonpassing ftm in one of my college classes and I saw him as a woman.
I kept accidentally misgendering him and then apologizing increasingly profusely when people would point it out.
I feel like the scum of the earth about it. I think my idiocy even made him cry.
I even had to correct the pronouns in this post, wtf is wrong with me.
For the sake of his wellbeing i hope i never see him again

>results are polar opposite of the comments

I see pooners that pass better than me as men and ones that pass worse than me as women
t.pooner that sees self as non passing hrt woman

Attached: 7DD0329F-E108-4C9D-A454-C7E4311D45FB.jpg (360x450, 53.16K)

annoying women following trends. biggest detrans population is female and they always have dumb stories like social acceptance chasing too


If they make an effort to present masc to almost any degree yes
I was on tinder today(looking at men)
>see a woman with he/him pronouns
>they are wearing a dress in all there photos, make up and have long red died hair
>I think: "some woman really are retarded
>swipe left, literal next profile
>another ftm but short hair, no facial hair, just wears t-shirts, hoodies,sweats and jeans, andro fem leaning face
>I think "I wonder how this ftm feels about the one I just saw. This one is genuinely putting in effort and it works I see them as a dude even tho aren't super masc.
>somehow this makes me feel bad about the thought I had about the first ftm who was basically just a girl
T. No effort permaboymoder

as a pre t ftm that looks pretty identical to what you described as the latter profile i would say i really dont give a fuck. If the pronouns were only he/him that would be a little strange but i really dont care.

Some cis people are fine with any pronouns , it makes me wonder the amount of times theyve been called pronouns other than their gender but eh

This is how other people feel having to call you a woman

I know, that's why I'm going to stay a manmoder until I pass.

I've known three FtMs, two I saw as being women subconsciously and one I saw as a man
It sucks, I nearly misgendered one of them twice and it made me feel so fucking guilty

I'll joke about them being women, but the reality is that most of the time I just see them as men
Not really true with those super early on in transition, but I also don't see early transition mtfs as women

It's impossible to not go through some kind of awkward phase as a tranny, suck it up

The pronouns were just he/him and I'm pretty sure the latter one was he/they which reads to me as someone who is actually experiencing dysphoria. I had never male failed before hrt despite being average woman height so I don't think cis gender people get misgendered almost ever rlly

>I know, that's why I'm going to stay a manmoder until I pass.

You think you'll be able to socially be a man one day and a woman the next?

No, I know I won't.
But it sure will be less humiliating to not be able to do that, if I don't try until I pass.

>the majority of MtFs see FtMs as women
Does this mean St4t MtFs are coping transbians?

Well whatever

I was just kidding, btw. You'll be fine user, there there

Spoken like a true man.

ty tripnon!