If the distance between your hairline and chin is bigger than your hand it's fucking over, you literally look like this

if the distance between your hairline and chin is bigger than your hand it's fucking over, you literally look like this

Attached: goblino.jpg (835x478, 198.48K)

repper here.
can hairline lowering fix it? or should I just not try?

>tfw my massive hands cover the gap
suck it nerds

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>t. retard who has never heard of bangs/fringe

another win for big hand havers

This just means that big manhands make you a passoid lmao

how big are your fucking hands lol


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palm isnt on the chin, should be higher. its about near the hairline if raised

she's just lowering her hand

how about this one then lol

Attached: BDA31AF7-ADF1-4583-B4DF-7182F065C62F.jpg (957x1300, 134.88K)

>hand not totally stretched
>literally almost reaching hairline

What if you have babyhands

just wear a wig

Part of the reason I'll never transition.
Sucks having a big head and an ugly face.

so not touching it

Yeah you have no actual statistics on face length so you have to make up shit like this
Jesus Christ, I'm actually missing the autistic Asian MtFs who knew about all these measurements

I just asked 2 cis girls to do this and their hand was smaller, like 2cm gap

not falling for this one again >:[

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or just have bangs
or just have a hair transplant

Is this one of those schoolyard pranks where you then slap your friend’s hand into their nose, but for a hypothetical tranny school.

from the bottom or the top of your chin?