Why can't trans people grow up out of the Isekai mindset?

Why can't trans people grow up out of the Isekai mindset?

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Isekai some bitches on your dick you fuckin loser. Also cook pasta pls

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It’s nice to think that I coulda been revered and honored for this debilitating mental illness that left me serving coffee at my old ass age. Heck, if I were cis at least I could use it to meet cute wealthy guys in the city by showing how cute and subservient I can be.

because i could have been a shaman, or a temple priestess, or some cute eunich tending to some royal harem and occasionaly getting some action from my master when he was in the mood for somone a little more exotic, and instead im living with my parents and barepy holding down a string of part-time jobs to buy bootleg estrogen and clothes

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find a cute wealthy techbro chaser

I don't think men were ever priestesses

Learn 2 code
Get topped

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30000 years ago they didn't have estrogen supplements. If you really wanted to aspire to this shit then you wouldn't be wasting your money

you never would have been revered, you always would have exiled, this is yet another male delusion

Fr that’s my dream to have a decently fit techbro chaser bf to cuddle and watch anime with

What’s the difference between a male and a female delusion user

literally just be gay and stop watching porn then

Christians destroyed empires, their gay/bi rulers and tranny priests, just so they could build church stadiums and make christian rock 1000 years later

I don’t watch porn I did this cuz dysphoria is real whether I wanna deal with and accept that or not

Ok but were the killers Christian rock

and it will stand as a lasting testament greater than anything allegedly trans priests have ever done

i tried and im 2dum2code
well yea, and actualy the op images timeframe is way the hell off, 4000-5000 years ago is far closer to what theyre talking about. i am glad i get to take EV and can get an orchi under full anethstetic instead of being castrated with red-hot shears and drinking red-clover steeped in horse piss for the rest of my life. but you have to admit the rest is pretty lame

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I thought the guy in the killers was a mormon
>having so little SOVL
i truly pitty you NPC, go eat your bugs now

i wish working with coffee paid more than my retail job

No person ever is too dumb for webdev, unless you literally can't tie your shoes

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90% of posters so far are just pariah the doll using different IPs

i dropped out of community collage for it and i wasnt even on the hard stuff yet. i just dont get computers at all

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Just go through an online course, do projects and look up tutorials. College experience is way fucking different than a job and because of that degrees matter far less than the projects you worked on and the skills you can show.

Webdev is piss easy, just take it slow one step at a time and you'll get there.

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