/gaygen/ Interior decoration edition

Do you like to decorate your home?

Attached: oh hey didnt see you there.jpg (824x1236, 212.75K)

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Why don’t you have a bf gaygen?

Why don't you have a bf user?

Social anxiety and don't leave the house

not ready

i do

i do have one! he just goes to another school

what's Black Eagle's problem? Why is he always encroaching yet when you try to talk with him he ghosts you

I will defend all trans people
All transsexuals are hecking valid

>what's Black Eagle's problem?
one of the daddy variety

>Why don’t you have a bf gaygen?
i cant find the bf store

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the tranny shitpussy fourth genuine gender discovered

skunk is the ultimate loser chud

I’m too fat
I’ll start looking for one when I stop being fat

seethe cissy

Have you tried the thrift store

no, i dont have those nearby

he has autism and is shy

everyone is a uggo i clearly deserve better

bill gates is my spirit animal


oh my god, he is so evasive
'i think that term has multiple meanings'
*sips on diet coke*

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I'm also autistic but I'm not harassing people

Omg he's hot is he gay?

Aren't you too ugly for a boyfriend?

>but I'm not harassing people
neither is he :s

Too scared to get one

well the boys who found me hot that i found hot are prolly ugly to yall so

How tall are you shiza

What’s the point of being gay if you’re older than 30?

i just discovered a whole new gender
this is pragmatism

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176 cm ; - ;

Imagine if skunk grew his hair out and shaved his beard

i am a double trans niggertrans demiqueer