After looking at hundreds of timelines, youth is of course a huge determining factor of the success of HRT...

After looking at hundreds of timelines, youth is of course a huge determining factor of the success of HRT. We all have seen wildly drastic transitions within a year and laughably pitiful transitions that took 3+years but I don’t think it’s just age. I think health, diet, and sleep are huge. A lot of ripped dudes actually have the most drastic and convincing transitions, and pasty, overweight, or even SLIGHTLY unhealthy or unimpressive looking people seem to have the worst results overall.

So, this leads me to the hypothesis that lifestyle is obviously huge, but how do we get there? It seems that there is a lifestyle that makes humans extremely adaptable. They put in muscle easier, are more attractive, and are mentally sharper. I know it’s not a genetics thing, if anything, it’s an epigenetic phenomenon that is unlocked when you meet the proper conditions.

The best thing I can think of is the essentials: Don’t eat 1 hour after waking, or 2 hours before bed. Ear consistently and healthily. Get plenty of sleep. Get good exercise and a lot of time outside.

But what else? Is working a relatively sedentary job while having control of your workout regimen healthier than working a labor job that taxes your body all day? Does a long-term calorie deficit have similar detriments to hormone balancing/other body processes as it does with teenage puberty/growth (seriously, research the effects of malnutrition during/before puberty)? How do stress levels effect transitioning? Is there really an age cutoff or is it down to lifestyle?

I’m not saying that genetics and age don’t factor in here; of course they do. But what I’ve seen from the fitness community is that massive transformation of not only muscle mass is possible but also in “glow”, overall attractiveness, mental plasticity/ability, athletic ability, acquisition of new skills, and even seem to reverse the effects aging and more.

So LGBT, let’s talk lifestylemaxxing

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>people who take care of their bodies transition better
please tell me this isn't groundbreaking news to anyone

I’m a sleephon

You’d be surprised. And it’s also not the point of the thread. I’m hoping for people to chime in with trends they’ve noticed in themselves or others in what works and what doesn’t.

I've not started my pills but I think I've got a generally good life style it's split into office, days off and work from home days

Office days: I wake up for 6:30 to cook my lunch box, afterwards I shower than eat. I take the train at 8:12 and get home for ,17:30. Afterwards I take a small nap (I've got sickle cell anemia) of 20 mins. And do any chores till 18:30 then I'll go off to any one of my clubs, MTG, bouldering, TTPG or cycling workshop ( they alternate) I usually get home for 21:00 and cook/eat what I prepped earlier around ,21:30. Close my routine with skincare maybe about of language practice after to go to bed at 23:15

Home days are similar except I go to the gym and I spend the extra time I have either watching anime or playing games

Height, midface length, and waist-iliac crest ratio is all that matters

>Don’t eat 1 hour after waking, or 2 hours before bed
you don't actually believe this do you?

It is over.

Not OP but it can make quiet a difference if you arent a complete obese lard that will just eat triple the amount 1h later

there's literally nothing that would do

mostly she’s done up pretty in clothes that compliment her and well photographed
the gross ones dress and groom poorly and insist on taking bad photos in bad locations

It IS genetics, not epigenetics. People with the genetics of having more self-control and being lazy slobs will be able to have healthy diets and healthy lifestyles, and that won't chance with transition. If anything, they'll be even more motivated to do so because of how dysphoria will get less pronounced once HRT effects start kicking in.

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NOT* being lazy slobs, I mean.

I've always been able to stay in shape and I still look like shit so give me the lazy genes that would have made me obese in childhood and adolescence making my pelvis wider any day, thanks

1. eat healthy stuff
2. exercise
it is that easy to make it

This. Part of why I couldn't do it because I was too poor to afford a good lifestyle and now I'm too old at almost 25 years.
Too late for me to do it.

>Starts HRT
>Starves myself to lose weight over 9 months
>ff 2 years
>Boobs still stalled
>Nothing I do helps

This obsession society has with whether trans women "pass" or not is the actual problem here.

It does not matter what a woman (trans or cis) looks like -- if she identifies as a woman SHE IS A WOMAN, so of course she "passes as a woman".

Remember, internalized transphobia can be very dangerous.

>After looking at hundreds of timelines, youth is of course a huge determining factor of the success of HRT.
Naturally. sex characteristic changes are supposed to occcur during puberty so that's when they work best. wait longer & it takes longer to achieve same results. doesn't mean hrt becomes useless tho.

The whole point of transitioning is looking like a woman. Ur not trans if u don’t want to look like a woman just an attention seeker

I was eating pretty well and exercising regularly and getting a good amount of sleep until pretty recently. I got hit with a wave of mental unwellness and I've felt so detached and distant and unmotivated, like nothing is enjoyable and nothing matters. Hope I get out of it soon but I need to at least try to stay healthy.
I'm not a diet expert or anything but I think eating right before bed can have some bad effects with certain health conditions, I vaguely remember hearing about it, like I think it's a trigger for GERD.
I don't think it's entirely genetics, it can be how you're raised and stuff too. If someone is exposed to like lots of trauma and stuff and gets fucked up in the head they might be less willing to take care of themselves and more willing to just escape by drinking or something, but if someone is raised more differently and taught discipline and stuff they might be more willing to regularly exercise and go to the extra work to eat better.
Really I think after like 18 or so genetics matters way more than extra age. I've seen some girls transition at 30 or later and they pass, look really young, and really attractive. Maybe give your body an honest appraisal and see if your proportions are way too fucked and compare your face to before photos in timelines. I dunno.
I agree, I want to put in as much effort as possible so I can be as indistinguishable from a cis woman as possible. If I just put in no effort and don't shave and don't take hrt and shave my head and wear man clothes but identify as a woman I'm not only going to still feel dysphoric but I'm also going to feel like a joke.