Degen is a babe

Degen is a babe

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I unironically get gender envy from degen lol

bad taste

Not really thats a face you want to smack around while fucking her to amnesia

very hot


Does you're little tranny pickle get hard when you feel envious?

Was just thinking there haven't been enough degen threads lately

She's cute, and adorable. But personally she just looks like a total mouth breather. It's all I can think about.
I imagine sleeping next to her and hearing it all night, and sleep give's me some peace from it.

O is the right amount

>But personally she just looks like a total mouth breather
With a jaw like that it's a fact kek

idk I just do
wtf no -_-
I'm straight retard

I know, you just know she does. I have yet to see a picture of her, with her mouth closed, and you dont get a jaw like that breathing through your nose...

She's cute but fuck me, mouth breathing is so god damn annoying.
Not to be mean, it's just omg I cant stand it.

This is the only closed mouth pic of Degen I’ve seen

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She looks like she's suffering like that. Like honestly it's strange seeing her mouth closed.
Now that I am paying attention too, does she have a touch of FAS?
Very smooth philtrum, and the nasal bridge to the forehead isn't very pronounced...

I have it too, so not judging, but just wondering...

Fellow Kemonofriendzone fan

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>Tired eyes
>Perfectly smooth philtrum
>Zero cheekbone definition
>No jaw

Unfortunate is an understatement.

So she does have FAS then right?
The nasal bridge and smooth philtrum, and eyes kind of point to it...

The lack of jaw is from mouth breathing in my theory. But the other features, is it fas?

Witch Skull

"Mouth breathing" is mostly a myth. You either have a jaw or you don't. She just seems to have bad genetics.

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She looks like a ghoul that haunts your basement

She has mentioned she has to use effort to keep her mouth closed. Her jaw is that weak lol. It just hangs open otherwise.