Can a cis guy take HRT? I'm not interested in transitioning, just to help me stay young

Can a cis guy take HRT? I'm not interested in transitioning, just to help me stay young.

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If uou take hrt you will get gyno so idk if its worth it. Just get skincare routine and a good diet, stay out of the sun and all that, youll be fine

take the hrt and cut the gyno like normal pooner
simple as

I wouldn't mind the tiddies, my main problem is the irreversible sterility but I'm mostly interested in other guys so I'm not sure how much it actually matters
Also slower body hair growth is an enormous plus

you don't want body hair and don't mind tits, sounds like you're repping

I don't know what repping means, but I've always liked the idea of being a feminine guy, just not presenting myself as a girl or anything like that. I'm 100% confident that I'm a man, I'm interested in typically girly stuff like fashion and makeup is all

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if you want the physical effects then take it. Nobody can stop you from doing diy.
But you're probably actually trans. Cis men don't want to look like women.

>But you're probably actually trans.
Is there a term for cis guys who are comfortable being a male but prefer to look androgynous? Regardless of sexual preferences I mean

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>is there a term for…guys who…prefer to look androgynous?
you’re nonbinary, sorry if you think that’s cringe or something

Sounds like repressor cope, you can look younger through simple skincare, diet changes and not smoking or drinking alcohol.
I don't think any cis male would be "okay" with having tits.

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Yes. The downsides to taking HRT without being trans are:
- gyno
- sterility and possible erectile issues
- social stigma

If Gyno is a big problem, you can take raloxifene (femboy hrt). Microdosing cialis will fix any erectile disfunction.

Ignore the pinkpillers (for now). If HRT improves your life, take it - gender be damned.

But I still consider myself a man with masculine pronouns. Can't I just be a normal guy who takes estrogen for personal preferences/health reasons?
>I don't think any cis male would be "okay" with having tits.
That is a good point, short of a 300 pound tub of lard with big floppy pancake titties, men do not have breasts nor would one consciously take a supplement that makes him grow breasts.

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What exactly does "looking younger" to you mean that is only achievable through taking estrogen?

you can identify however you want to, and being nonbinary doesn’t necessitate that you use or prefer gender neutral pronouns. but if you’re considering taking body modification medicines that will make you look less like a man and more like a woman, with the stated goal of appearing more androgynous, i think that makes you nonbinary in a very material sense.

t. tranny


I’m a cis guy who took it. It made me emotionally irritable like a woman; It basically made me crazy. You know how women are always finding drama wherever they go? It did that to me whereas before HRT I was a fairy chill guy. I was always looking into things that people said and finding reasons to get mad. I also cried a lot over dumb shit.
I’m lucky my metabolism is godlike cuz I gained a bit of weight in feminine areas but it never got too bad. HRT gives you boobs and makes you get fat and useless like a woman. I lost the muscle on my jawline and gained fat in my cheeks.

It fucks with you emotionally if it’s not right for you.

>and useless like a woman
If you word it like that, more than one poster is going to get turned on.
But yes, estrogen is going to cause changes in your brain chemistry OP, unless you have dysphoria you'll probably feel very shitty.

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Generally more androgynous, lower muscle mass, less masculine facial features. I'm only 20 so I haven't quite developed into a big hulking ugly bastard, and I'd like to stay that way for as long as I can
I used to be pretty bitchy and irritable in that way when I was a teenager but to be fair I was a total pussy so that explains a bit. This post makes me think HRT just sort of makes you a flabby annoying man with tits more than it being these "magical girl pills" that MtF transgenders have told me they are
>unless you have dysphoria
I don't feel like a woman stuck inside a man's body or anything like that, but I have fantasized about being a girl since I was a kid, not even in a sexual fetish way. But I feel like a lot of perfectly normal guys think about that just to imagine what it would be like, the same way you'd imagine being an astronaut or a billionaire or a 20 foot tall cyclops that eats people who stray too far away from the nearby village. It's all just fantasy

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Your facial features won't change with estrogen.

The thing is I never felt “shitty” I just started thinking differently and became more irratible. I’d cry or get angry at small insults when I never used to before. I never felt like it was the “wrong” thing.

The reason why I got off was down to personal preference. I prefer having a masculine body and chiseled face. And I prefer being the dominant personality, and you can’t really do that when you look like a girl. I could’ve went the rest of my life on HRT if I wanted to.

>I don't feel like a woman stuck inside a man's body or anything like that, but I have fantasized about being a girl since I was a kid
>the same way you'd imagine being an astronaut or a billionaire or a 20 foot tall cyclops that eats people
Well see the difference is that you can actually be a girl

>makes you a flabby annoying man with tits more than it being these "magical girl pills"
That’s basically what it did. It made my cheeks and my thighs chubby. Girlmoding takes effort and practice though I did get confused for a chick two times. But that’s only because the lighting was weird.
Made my face fat and my jaw got slimmer.