Will using an elastrator really kill me or fuck me up really badly?

Will using an elastrator really kill me or fuck me up really badly?
So far, I've only seen people saying to not do it, but no one ever manages to bring up real life examples of someone doing it and getting very bad outcomes.

Attached: elastrator.png (1594x1527, 2.82M)

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You can always go to the hospital if it fucks up

That's what my plan anyway. Like, I'm probably gonna need to have surgeon remove the necrotic testicles, because having necrotic tissue inside for a long time it not good.
However, I'm talking about getting unbearable pain or having an immediate life threatnening complication, which is what people here are sure will happen, yet fail to provide any proof.

Just tell them you were doing cbt with your (non existent) partner and you fucked up

it's going to hurt very badly and you'll probably give up before you can get your nuts off
if you're gonna diy orchi go the surgical route

How do you know it hurts? Has anyone ever actually tried it? Won't the blood flow being cut off remove the pain?

i did know a tranny who attempted this and she gave up, and i guarantee she's a hell of a lot tougher than you are

Take a rubber band and wrap it around your finger several times so that it's very tight. Leave it on for a few minutes. It'll hurt like fuck even though you didn't leave it on long enough to do any damage. Now imagine doing that to your balls until they fall off.

Pain feels nice. Plus you only have to leave it on for like 20 minutes to mostly kill the tissue

use everclear instead dummy

A normal rubber band is not an elastrator rubber band.
Did she actually use an elastrator rubber band? I remember a tranny here talking about using a normal rubber band, and that certainly is different.

i saw someone who did this but to their actual penis instead. ended up in the hospital pretty badly

that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
i would research how many lambs die from elastrator-related gangrene before trying this on myself, however

That which doesn't kill you leaves you irreparably damaged or gradually lessened as the accumulated weight of the hurts and injuries piles up

You need to watch this. Yes, it's going to be unbearably painful.


that shit is 20 minutes

It will hurt worse than any pain you've ever felt in your life, and you will have a very high chance of developing sepsis and if not dying being severely ill.

Attached: 1597517226514.jpg (1211x2560, 551.1K)

Can't you just inject alcohol or put the band on for 30 minutes or so?

I've heard you can insert a long thin needle and "stir" to castrate yourself, no need for bands

>tfw no trans gf to castrate and hold afterwards as she sobs in my arms...

It's insanely painful. Probably one of the most painful things you can do to your body that doesn't involve venom of some sort.