Am i a hypocrite?

I'm a pro LGBT person and i support them a lot whenever i see a chance for it but i hate the politics of the community, everyone out there denying the heinous action of killing the ex prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe yet some people who fall into the mainstream LGBT culture and it's politics decided to themselves “you know what let's tell people he deserved it because he wasn't progressive like us” and all of this is just 1 issue i have btw

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They're right
I won't say abe deserved it but his death's not worth mourning because he was a real piece of shit

>writing a demented rant
>posting a funny maymay

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gee i wonder who would celebrate the death of a japanese leader

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i totally disagree, political assassinations against almost anyone is bad and this is one of them, this unhinged behavior harms the image of LGBT people in the world let alone Japan

Fascists do not deserve an ounce of sympathy.

that's a yikes from me sis

>this unhinged behavior harms the image of LGBT people in the world let alone Japan
stop & think about what you're so upset about for a second

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no OP you're one of the few free thinkers here. guaranteed not a single person in this thread can enumerate the crimes of Abe without rushing to a reddit thread to get fuel. these people literally operate in red team vs blue team mindset and will celebrate your death if it meant that politically they could gain an inch. you can be an LGBT person and think assassinating a person is bad. you can think someone having a different opinion than you does not mean they deserve death and to not be mourned for. you can even agree with his policies because the idea that you liking your own sex means you have to be anti Abe is absolutely retarded.

“Political Violence Bad”

>the idea that you liking your own sex means you have to be anti Abe is absolutely retarded.
k kool literally WHO thinks like this though?

it's easy to see yourself as a free thinker thats surrounded by npcs when you don't even see others as human beings capable of agency.

>guaranteed not a single person in this thread can enumerate the crimes of Abe
you don't need an encyclopedic knowledge of everything to make judgements. I hate Abe because in the past I have learned things about him that I find objectionable. I do not need to be able to recall these things by rote of I know I can access them at any time anyway.


politics necessitate violence lib

this thread is not about political violence though, that's just the vehicle that you're using to express your dissatisfaction with queers. this is clear because you're implying all lgbts have the same opinion about this subject which, what a surprise, gives you permission to air your grievances with the gays

>nooo why you spitting facts about this corrupt rightoid instead of feeling sad for his death. Killing is le bad
No one cares, liberal.

i don't support his nationalist/denialist views in the slightest but yeah he certainly didn't deserve to be killed. people are always so weird about these things. if we're talking hirohito, then maybe it's a different story

I can’t think of any politician that doesn’t fit this description.

no you are not, you are normal actually
imagine getting bogged down to politics and forgetting shinzo abe has a family and friends who are mourning them
you just have empathy and know this is not the place and time to talk about politics, and that a good thing

Enough with your drivel, centrist.
I do not care.

>shinzo abe has a family and friends who are mourning them
So does every other dead fascist and I do not give a fuck. Fascism is reprehensible and any sympathy for them leads to acceptance of fascist politics.

i think it's funny when bad things happen to bad people

here’s the thing: crimes are punished by a legal court system, not vigilante justice

literally this has never been true at all, political violence advanced nothing other than fear, hate and discontent between people of the same Nation and Land and Stonewall is an example of this as it made LGBT people look like criminals when they aren't.
maybe i misworded my idea but the general fact is many people don't voice much opposition to celebration of Abe murder which for all intents and purposes is morally wrong.

which they should be punished for if they commited crimes after going in court, with a right for defense and proper rule of law, and not violent mobs killing them