Do I pass?

I'm planning on getting T soon and this is what I generally look like rn. I don't think I do in any capacity but I have had people sir me and called me "young man" on more than a few occasions and even gotten douvke takes walking out the womens restrooms. I'm trying to be vaguely androgynous but with a masc body as a base.

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Ask cozygen


you look like a black woman honestly

Yeah. You look like morray or rod wave

gee thanks Black Eagle

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please be my bf

I appreciate the gesture, however I am not that heavy.

You look like a black woman, but other races are faceblind and think 90% of black women look like men. Basically just dont hang around other black people as much lol

Not yet but you will on T.

You don't pass now, but you're pre-T and that's normal.
I think you could pass, especially if your eyebrows get thicker. Cis people are pretty retarded, and they might assume you're just a funny looking dude because of your short haircut. Your clothes, mannerisms, and speech might also be a factor. But you don't pass.

here's the thing, black woman, especially darker skinned one are more masculinized than light skin black woman. This is shown especially within black communities. So I guess I can use that to my advantage? like I said, it's kinda a 30/50 chance I'm clocked as a little boy or a masc woman. Sometimes both. I think it's mainly my face shape and haircut + lack of visible boobage that gets the poor louisianians confused sometimes.

sorry no idea why it double posted, just ignore that

op, you are fine as fuck and will be even finer when you get on t. i wish i could find a boyfriend like you.

looks like a black woman but T will prob fix you, also lose weight and hit the gym fatty

I'm medium sized, 5'1, and 140ish lbs I dunno how that constitutes as fat but sorry for being cursed with babyface user



that's a bmi of like 27 so overweight, you should go down on fat percentage and go up on muscle. building muscle will also help your face look less round and help you pass despite being 5'1

Are you gonna fuck men too like a lot of black transmen do or are you only into women?

Androgynous here
Woman here

Lotta black transmen join the DL community.

I don't take bmi seriously cause it's not the most accurate, but I do wanna slim down some atleast, especially considering T makes you gain weight and maybe it'd help me decrease chest fat

I'm asexual so the thought of anyone fucking me is a no go.

Honestly you're probably better off just taking T and lifting heavy weights and trying to get look like a short Mark Henry or Rick Ross if you really wanna look like a man. Minoxidil if you want a beard as well.

Testosterone might change that.

>Do I pass?
Of course.

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it'll heighten my libido true, but I'm not so sure if that'll make me wanna go bang anybody all of the sudden