Why are you not helping to stop mass shootings? Looking at you transbians

Why are you not helping to stop mass shootings? Looking at you transbians.

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the thing people never tell you about these kinds of people is that they are fucking unbearable to talk to oh my fucking god. sure, like 60%-70% of incels are just fucking ugly and theyre fucked, whatever. But that remaining 30%-40% are actually pretty cute, theyre just fucking awful socially and talking to them is the worst.

I'm an only child and was locked in my bedroom in my life, I can't help having poor social skills

If cis girls aren't even going to pity fuck this loser, why would I? Dude should be asking his mom instead, he'd probably get a better response.

Kind of true, but what if you could change one of these guys by making him feel loved for a brief time? You'd definitely be saving his life, and possibly many other lives as well. I know a lot of incels are obnoxious, you can just ignore those ones, but you might be able to salvage the good ones.

a lot of you are celibate too though...I just thought this could solve two problems at once. Why the heck not, no one else cares about either lonely trans people or incels.

Trannies can't even love themselves, they're neurotic, self-absorbed freaks who have no chance of helping another person. Incels have better chances with cis women unironically.

You may be right. I've tried getting to know a few since I'm an incel and thought maybe I'm actually trans attracted, but it's too difficult to bond with them. You can have a cool conversation one day, and the next day they treat you like a stranger, or ghost you.

You can work on it

if a person misses vital social development during childhood they will often be socially difficult for the rest of their life

Because they refuse to work on it or balance the shortcomings out
Quit making excuses for incel vermin

No. Read documented cases about feral children who got lots of help but never fully become normal.

>mommy didn't love me equals growing up with wolves
Lol fuck off

Nta, can you give me some advice how to change? I don't want to be an incel. Please.

Go to a psychiatrist and go to group therapy

That's not a bad idea, do in tell them I need therapy because I'm an incel?

*Do I tell them

Can you at least try to argue in good faith and stop being a dumb tranny?

Fuck off dude.

I'm a cis male and there is nothing to argue, go to therapy
You need therapy because you have mental issues, you need grouo therapy because you lack and missed socialization phases which makes it hard to fit in and be with other peopel

What you're saying makes sense. I didn't really think I needed therapy, or was embarrassed to go. I can't seem to figure this shit out on my own, but I'll try on Monday to see about therapy. You may have saved me user, I hope so. Thank you.