How can trannies avoid smashing into the wall? Pic unrel

How can trannies avoid smashing into the wall? Pic unrel

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You hit the wall as soon as you were born a male. Admit it hon

jamie clayton is a bit over 40 so i guess "wall" age according to 4channers
She says she just does botox and sunscreen (though I'm assuming she wasn't wearing it all through her 20s since daily sunscreen is a fairly recent skincare craze
So, y'know, do that.
Cosmetically there's also retinol, and laser rejuvenation. Fillers are hit or miss, and then more intensive and less affordable things like cutting back excess eyelid skin sag or a face lift.
Other things that help with aging supposedly are intermittent fasting, lifting weights, don't indulge in drugs and alcohol very often.

Also, I really should've made a document to compile this but transwomen likely have some advantage here due to steady high estrogen levels (prog may contribute, but prog also causes problems for manny tranners). E decreases in your 30s through to menopause where it drops to nil and increases skin thickness and collagen production. Some studies have shown the aesthetic difference between perimenopausal women with low estrogen levels and women of the same age with higher levels to be perceived as 10 years.

Biggest piece of advice though is to not get too caught up in this stuff. It makes you seem vain and it will absolutely eat you alive
I have a very big fear of aging but I've calmed it a little bit after I've come to feel that women with a bit of aging signs, wrinkles and stuff are still beautiful (my mum is near 50 and has some wrinkles and stuff, smoked for a long time, but she looks great)

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Skin care won't fix the jawline and eyebrows. Won't fix the very male bone structure. Won't fix their erectile dysfunction assuming they didn't cut off their dicks. :)

whatever fag, different issues. and my dick works fine after 2 years hrt :)

i bet you look disgusting

Come back in five years and tell me how that goes for you.

And it is quite relevant. If born women become less attractive to the male eye starting from 30, what fucking chance to TIMs with their very male features and ruined skin have?!?

LMAO! You are delusional!

Regardless of how I look, at least I have a functioning womb, TIM.

Something you will never *ever* have.


>And it is quite relevant. If born women become less attractive to the male eye starting from 30, what fucking chance to TIMs with their very male features and ruined skin have?!?
why are you on this board man

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You could hold a cup on his forehead. Hairline retreating to the top. I can already see the forming turkey neck. Wrinkling cheeks. Hulking shoulders. And try as he might that dress does not hide the masculine waist line.

Try again TIM.

And I'm here because I belong as a member of the LGB community. :)

dont care i'd still have sweaty transbian sex with her
this is an lgbT board. no point in using it if you dont support lgbt rights

Sweaty indeed. I can't imagine the filthy man stench soaked into your bed sheets. The thought makes me and any real lesbian want to vomit.

I support LGB rights. Just not the T leeching on us to get a boost. 3 out of 4 ain't bad lol.

imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of an smelly hole that bleeds and causes pain every month until you hit menopause (something that doesn't happen to trans women)

You can't

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We can help our scent by a cleaning + douche routine. And hey, some people find the smell to be a turn on. Can you say the same for your infected pus dripping numb neo vaginas?

And what of the Tims pretending to have periods? It's funny you use it as a negative when you people irl roleplay having cycles. I thought you wanted our periods to "feel more like a woman" :)

And the bleeding + pain can suck at the moment, yes. But it doesn't last forever as once menopause hits we can live the second half of our lives to never deal with it again.

And during the period years it does come with benefits. Periods offer the ability to have children. To have a family if we so choose.

And that is a gift you Tims will never have. Yet you want so much that you lie to yourselves that you don't want our natural vaginas! :)

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>implying she isn't hotter right

stop giving a fuck about incel shit like “the wall.” e is already a fountain of youth, just give your skin a modicum of sun protection and moisturizing and you’ll age like a fine wine

Aw dude lmao if you see that then youre legit mentally ill lol

last paragraph is so kino

Nice so you only reek sometimes, perverts like the odor and eventually once you age into your least attractive wrinkled hairy form it goes away and stops hurting. Sweet deal.

Obviously we wish we had vaginas but it is my *favorite* terf delusion when you people act like that means we want *your* vaginas when you guys look like terfs lol. Ironically by existing you guys probably inspire some mtfs to not transition because they dont want to look like you.

Firstly, it's dudette.

Second, you'd have to be mentally ill + Biased in favor of TIMs + Blind as a bat to not see everything I pointed out and more.

How could you not see at least the giant forehead missing a hairline?

Or that fucking shovel jaw?

And once more, the SHOULDER TO HIP RATIO!

If you can't see all that, you are either a tim, a liar, or BLIND! Maybe all three!

it never ever began