Redpill me on crossdressers. What's their endgame?

Redpill me on crossdressers. What's their endgame?

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That’s the same question you could have for all transsexuals


Most likely? Probably transition.

I did it in high school because I thought it was funny.

plausible deniability so they don't have to face the societal backlash of being trans

its repressor cope


does that really look like a man to you

its either a sissy male which is literally functionally a woman (mannerisms, temperment, likes/dislikes, friends, lifestyle, fear response, physical strength, submissiveness) or its a trans woman which is just a woman

like some dudes are just not dudes any true non-repressor chaser (1% of the population of all chasers) will tell u that person is not even CLOSE to being the same type of human as them

don't know but cds/sissies are the most sexy to me.

my guess is that their endgame is to crossdress.
impossible to tell for sure.

To be constant teases for me
>chud top here

Can we get some more pics like OP?

we'd do better as a community if we admitted that when somebody is entirely like a group but denies membership in that group they're just wrong

Homegirl got some stompers, damn

or is just a normal guy who likes to dress up as a girl
why do they have to take up on everything a “sissy” does, thats ridiculous…

I have said this before, enlightenment.

being prettier than me

all the crossdressers i've known online have trooned out except one who said there agp just went away

CDs are more based because they admit they're pretending and don't actually demand you treat them as the opposite gender. Its an escapism thing for them

To look cute obviously. Who cares?

Probably to come after your kids and destroy the world. Or to just have some little bit of fun and happiness despite the miserable, crushing nature of existence. One of those two.