Why do people feel the need to just say how much they hate transgender people out of nowhere? Like...

Why do people feel the need to just say how much they hate transgender people out of nowhere? Like, I'll be browsing places online and out of left field there will be someone who talks about how terrible people like me are, and all this shit we do and whatever. And people respond for some reason, talking about how much they hate the trannies themselves! Like damn bro, all I do is browse the internet and go to work, I don't even post my opinions online, I'm not a huge threat to your culture, cut me some slack, just let me live. Whats wrong with people?

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it's not about you, it's about signalling they're part of an in-group. to have something to bond over hating.
transgender people are ideal for this because there's not very many of us, so lots of people can join in since it's not likely they're transgender and not likely they know any transgender people.

It's called Tranny Derangement Syndrome, many such cases.

Idk about other spaces but In weeb circles trannies are hated because they dominate the translation/localization scene, and a lot of them act as if they're arbiters of good taste.

this is a tangent but something that really really bothers me is that somehow being progressive and defending people/minorities on the internet from crazy hate has become 'cringe' and 'uncool' so progressive people just dont interact and the culture is shifting so far right so quick. i was just a kid but it didnt feel the same even back in 2012, idk. I just wish being a good person isnt so associated with annoying smug bossy busybody liberals

Yeah I don't know why either. I was thinking about this a lot yesterday, it's honestly such a weird thing.

I am a cisgender woman and on certain 4channel boards, when/if people detect that I am posting in a feminine or non-rightwing way (?) they will start screeching that I "will never be a woman", post violent pictures of trans women hanging themselves, tell me to kill myself etc. They are absolutely unhinged and right now trans women are square in their sights. Rightwing social media is drumming up hate for trans women (and LGBT more broadly) very nakedly and openly (whereas with racial minorities they still need to hide behind "illegals" or "CRT").
Not much seems to be stopping it.

Its purely a social media phenomenon, right wing social media specifically. Nobody would give a shit otherwise. Picrel.

Attached: gender-roles-identity-3.png (2561x1441, 176.02K)

This makes me feel a lot less insane, thanks.

*posts dump of tranny hating images, pictures of hons, and manipulated statistics* hehehe i just pwned these propaganda pushing, insane libtards

yeah everyone is so edgy now, you can't even be offended when people say offensive shit because then you are the annoying one. everyone wants to be the based and redpilled edgelord that hates trannies and gays but watches tranny or femboy porn too

also yeah why the fuck do they think that posting that here will somehow make me sad or own me when it's the third time we've had that thread in the week. are they doing it to convince themselves of something? is it like a ritual to be more transphobic? idk

making people feel bad (even if its just in their head) makes them feel superior, and thus, feel good

>Its purely a social media phenomenon, right wing social media specifically. Nobody would give a shit otherwise. Picrel.
Absolutely. I got the impression from stuff people post on the internet that plastic surgery and transgender surgeries in general are very controversial, but when my parents told other family members that I recently had FFS (facial feminisation surgery) the reactions were extremely positive. People said they completely understand why I did it, that I did the right thing, that they're impressed with the techniques and results, and that they're happy for me.

Having read posts by radical feminists saying the kind of surgery I had is unfair as it reinforces unrealistic beauty standards for women, I thought I would be shunned for it. When I brought that up, I was told that it's different because I'm trans so it just makes sense that I would want my appearance to change to more closely match my gender, and I was asked to stop letting what crazy people write on the internet affect me.

I used to take transphobic post seriously, but honestly with how well my transition went, it really is starting to look crazy to me. I can't really take all the nonsense people write seriously anymore, as it contradicts with my own experiences.

what is up with democratic men?

people around me have been fine too but I'm scared of indifference and how quickly that can turn to open hate.

50+ year old democratic men are going to have the least exposure to rightoid social media. They aren't likely to be allies or whatever, they might think trans women are just really super gay men or whatever (my dad saw a news story about 2 transbians and his mind was blown), but they aren't going to be screeching how trans women are trying to force children into getting surgeries or whatever because its pure righoid fantasy propagated primarily via social media. It has zero roots in reality.

as a jew who's posted on Any Forums for 17 years, all I can say is you get used to it

>9% of older democratic women think transgender people are a threat to children

>27% of younger democratic women think transgender people are a threat to children


Jewish people have been making rightoids (and some leftoids) seethe since as early as the year 6

we are screwed aren't we? all because they don't want to admit their children might be one of us.

It's mostly aimed at ugly nonpassing tranners desu, so it's easy to think there's no hate if you look ok. And standards on 4channel.org/tttt don't really apply to that