Tfw no new york city chaser gf who keeps me as a tranny pet gf

>tfw no new york city chaser gf who keeps me as a tranny pet gf
Whats the point?

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>chaser gf
Based, except for the NYC part. It’s a fucking shithole, why would you wanna live there??

is it really that bad? i’m from europe and have never even been close to the city, but it has an immense appeal to me. maybe it’s similar to americans romanticising paris despite it being kind of a shithole?

Its just the theme of this tfw no gf thread. You know like being a lil tranner lost in the big city with a gf who likes living in the steel jungle

nyc chaser bf where?? bf to ride lirr m7 to flushing main st and get shaobing and walk in flushing meadows every sunday morning with me

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>being a lil tranner lost in the big city with a gf who likes living in the steel jungle
big cities are extremely cringe, embrace the rural cottagecore life

I don't need to ride the LIRR; I already live in Queens.

I mean my goal is to have a cottage obviously but i dont see any cottage gardening gfs lining up either..

I live a cottage core life and I fucking hate it. Everything is so far. I'd rather live in a bit city

>There's even more of us.
Where the flying fuck are you bitches.
T. Southern Queens twinkhon

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>iwn live in big apple
>iwn take public transportation
>iwn relax by the hudson river eating a pile of smoked salmon ontop of a pizza slice
>iwn see a rat in it's natural habitat
life as a flyover is unbearable :(

I do too I just think it's fun riding trains and more enjoyable than taking the 7 despite the fare difference

you gotta look for a gf, you can’t just expect one to fall into your lap
to each their own ig, I absolutely hate big cities and love rural life

Ive been looking…

I'm up here in Astoria.
Do you have a special interest in trains?


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>theres new yorkers
>in my thread
>reading my posts

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>I’ve been looking
well keep looking! you’ll find a loving gf soon enough anonette

>t. STEMtranny that wants to move to San Francsico

im a youngshit who lives in NJ Is that close enough :(

I dont get the appeal over nyc desu. It has worse transit and more crime and homeless. Im from the bay lol. But I would also take a San Francisco chaser gf