I bought a blahaj colombian

colombian blahaj!!! its the closest thing we have to a blahaj here in latam colombia!!, its so cool!, colombian blahaj the best helps me sleep well!

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I hope it brings you happiness user

May the great collective shark spirit guide and protect you OP

it is giving me happiness!, thank you so much >~

All blahajs are equal, they are channels of the universal blahaj aura to protect their trans owners

yayy!, im happy!

Im blessing your Colombian Blahaj as I type this. My your Blahaj give you great fortune and prosperity in your times of need OP.


what part of colombia are ya from user? are you a tranner?

lol based gl op

thank you so much!!!! im vey happy with my blahaj!, thanks for blessing it! >~

okay this is epic

yes im a trans girl, im in barranquilla!, barranquilla colombia!, I found my blessed blahaj in miniso

more pics of my colombian blahaj!!! it kinda smol but its the best blahaj blessed and soft and helps me with dysphoria!!

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Oh we have miniso in brazil too, I need to buy a derpy blahaj now

The joy of the tranner with her blahaj is so wonderful

hehe thank youu!!

and yes you should, ask for "tiburon peluche" theres the best blahaj ever!!!!



such a cute smile!
>derpy blahaj XD

hehe ik right?, its so cute!, so hugable!, my colombian blahaj is the reason I can sleep!