Picrew thread

I noticed there's no picrew thread, let's change this

Attached: 481862_CUf5d79I.png (600x600, 126.54K)

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Oh shit I forgot to post the link

Link? It looks like retro cartoons.

Yup, description even says, “Designed based on art from MTV’s Daria. Some looks pull directly from the show, and others are just pieces I thought would be fun to see in the show’s style.”

Wow, literally me.

Attached: 481862_lVBvQ41y.png (600x600, 106.52K)

That's just Daria Morgendorffer without her glasses

Attached: download20220703050259.png (600x600, 88.61K)

this picrew is pretty fun ngl

Attached: 459083A3-167E-421F-B75C-018DA35D93DB.png (600x600, 148.18K)


I have freckles tho

bi ftm? no idea you made yours look real gross though

Attached: k3BioBD.png (600x600, 70.67K)

I'm a cissie, sorry, just long faced.

Ftm bi
Cis bi

Ok this one’s kinda funny
Chaser or straight ftm
Straight mtf
Bi cisf?
Bi ftm

Attached: 65E2CD34-EC6F-4C65-91B5-F72E7206C225.png (600x600, 103.23K)

gay ftm
bi mtf
cis gay

Attached: BEECBC81-182C-4E31-A079-FF7B80A7622A.png (600x600, 127.5K)

average boymoder

Attached: 9DEA3E3E-C267-4C8C-8C90-2BB882A3877F.png (600x600, 107.3K)

>replies to no one
>gives answer in their post

dumb boymoders

The pic in the back looks like your future balded self looking longingly on the lost hair, from the time travel Kafka vehicle.

i used to literally be tranny daria in my teens

That’s fucking funny.
My name is Ayden, Poon of Poons;
Look on my hairline, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal dome, boundless and bare.
The lone and level forehead stretches far away.

these are cute

Attached: download20220703160243.png (600x600, 141.66K)