The UK just BANNED gender neutral toilets

>Trans panic reaches the "heavy handed government reaction to panic" phase.
>Banns single occupancy gender neutral toilets
>Forces new buildings to have a minimum of 2 separate male and female toilets, but can have an optional 3rd neutral space
I just want to pee without people getting mad at me, I can't go in the mens, I look like a woman, can't go in the women's because I don't pass 100% and don't want to get hate crimed by a deranged terf, now they won't even let us have gender neutral toilets.

Attached: no more unisex.jpg (697x427, 40.38K)

wtf is wrong with the UK lmfao

I guess that's what happens when your relevance as a nation continues to dwindle through the decades... quite sad, if it wasn't so fucked up there I'd move to Britain

It's extra sad, because UK has beautiful nature and the NHS was great for common health issues like getting sick. But their unfair payment based on age, Polephobia and the recent sheningans put the otherwise perfect place into a no go zone territory.

I guess we're destined to be permanent North Americans. It's not so bad, we'll settle down in the Yukon or Nunavut while the glaciers melt, getting a constant stream of clean fresh water while watching the highways and high-speed rails reach us as things get greener and greener n___n

This is just retarded, unisex bathrooms work much better in most places
Imagine having to build two toilets with one of them having much longer queues than the other

Just stop being ugly and pass then. If you can't at least do that you don't deserve to leave the house

This can’t be real. That’s so fucking retarded. My local pub has one gender neutral bathroom and it makes me feel so much better. I guess I’m going to have to go back to just not pissing

New businesses will just not add bathrooms at all. Public bathrooms are already getting really hard to find and doing dumb shit like this instead of removing communal changing rooms is not helping anyone, onyl feeding the moral panic.

They're not offering this solution because it will actually solve any of the problems they claim to be fighting, they're offering it because it will hurt trans people, which was always he goal.

That's the best part user, if you're trans in the UK you're legally protected in using the women's toilets anyway, even before transitioning at all, you are legally protected. TERF's have pushed to remove unisex toilets but all that will do is force all the trans people who HAVE BEEN considerate enough to previously use the unisex toilets into their spaces. I would rather use a unisex toilet but now I guess I'll have to use the women's. No one is winning here, but because it hurts trans people they're taking this as a W

A bunch of articles like pic rel were one of the main driving force behind this ban, even though every single article in this genre turned out to either be false, or outright say the claims being made about the toilets were untrue in the article themselves.
>school adds a single, one person occupant neutral toilet at the students request.
>angry parents worked up into a foam over the trans panic find out about it
>Start ranting on facebook about it to each other
>"They're removing mens and women's toilets to replace with gender neutral option"
>Lies get bigger and wilder as they egg eachother on
>"My kid won't go to the toilet at school anymore"
>All the claims are just a lie because they didn't remove any toilets at all
>Zero consequence or comeuppance
>Gov reads these articles and decides to act on them to get easy votes
You start trying to track down what led to various anti-trans law changes and it ALWAYS turns out to just be a load of fucking lies. I'm so upset, I just want to pee :(

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wtf is wrong with english press?
I thought we had it bad here in italy, but it's heaven compared with the uk.

how to fix journalism?

England are the ones pushing this lunacy, don't lump the other nations in with the schizo tier policies of Westminster.

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>how to fix journalism?

Attached: H1097-L179492321.jpg (1000x589, 38.5K)

this is insane lmao
what incidents has there even been???

They didn't ban gender neutral toilets, they just made it illegal to solely have them

Don’t lump the English in with the Tories, they’re the ones pushing this lunacy.

And who keeps voting Tory?

>citation needed

how are small single occupancy gender neutral bathrooms NOT the norm everywhere in the world? it feels like a total waste of space the way bathrooms are done now

that one toxic moronic tripname destroys another thread
when will we do away with tripnames they're the worst

Detransing and accepting and embrassing your biological born sex and gender is the only solution

>but all that will do is force all the trans people who HAVE BEEN considerate enough to previously use the unisex toilets into their spaces.

the point is to push trannies out of public life and make them afraid to leave the house

>trannies should use gender neutral bathrooms and stay tf away from women
Also TERFs:
>ban gender neutral bathrooms

About 55%, fptp is responsible for part dominance, as a lot of seats are always marginal. Also terfoids aren’t human, let alone English.

Kill everyone in England who has been English for 3 generations or more, problem solved

Everyone in England over 40.

Most terfbongs are in their 20s and 30s though.

You meant “aren’t English, let alone human”, but of course they are English.

Fair point user.
Transphobes always link to a single incident in a Morison's toilet but the detail on that have been slowly warped beyond recognition. Most of the rhetoric from those campaigning to ban gender neutral toilets is data manipulation and scaremongering about hypothetical situations, theoretically happening (like with anti-trans rhetoric in general).
They purposely conflate mix sax toilets with single occupancy gender neutral toilets, even though there's a HUGE and obvious difference between the two, they'll often cite stats showing that mixed sex facilities have a higher rate of incidents (such as violence or sexual assault) but this ignores that for the majority of such spaces, they were made by combining a men's and women's space into one larger area, so we should expect the same number of incidents in that one space as were previously in both spaces. Foe example, if there were 4 incidents in the men's, and 5 in the women's, when those spaces are combined we'd expect 9 incidents. It's all just les and trans panic, this ban won't solve any problem, it won't help anyone, it will just make trans and NB people ever so slightly less comfortable which is the entire point.

Nah I'll just have to use the women's and if any transphobes seethe about it I'll tell them this was their fault. Their spite made forced me to be in there, not me.

so like what normal countries have? just two toilets male and female? how is that strange?
>I can't go in the mens, I look like a woman, can't go in the women's because I don't pass 100%
you can totally go in to the mens because you don't pass.

And they’re a vocal minority. It’s the boomers that swing elections and shape policy.