Were any of you bullied by girls growing up?

Were any of you bullied by girls growing up?

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no but boys beat the shit out of me in elementary school

Yeah but I think it was just an autism thing/ blushing super hard whenever anyone talked to me

No. Only ever guys. One cunt kept biting me when I was really young and when I was a bit older (~12) got bullied verbably alot as I didn't get radicalised like 80% of my class did.

Girls used to pretend to flirt with me and then hope that I'd give them a funny reaction
They called me weird, called me ugly, told me that nobody liked me and that I had no friends
It wasn't like I was approaching them or trying to talk to them (I stopped trying when I was 6), I literally didn't speak to them

No I did the bullying. If those girls saw me now wearing skirts and sundresses i think they would have a field day.

I was bullied by girls AND boys. So I got the psychological severity of girl bullying and the physical abuse of boy bullying at the same time.

Yeah they used to beat me in school and call me gay
It's weird because I was super effeminate then and I'm not at all now

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>bullying stock photo
>bully victim is some stacked blonde bombshell who looks like she's been dolled up for a modelling shoot

Girls used to say to me that I was physically repulsive (I am not, I am just chubby).
More than that, I cannot understand how a girl can bully a boy. Can you provide examples?

i never got bullied. too charismatic, everyone likes me
it's sad cause if i had been bullied or if my femininity had been commented on at all i think it could have made me realize i'm trans sooner

I was bullied by everyone. I was the biggest loser in the school besides the ones that were severely disabled. I had stupidly high grades and I'm a total failure now, not just because of my childhood, but because I'm a completely worthless, awkward weakling who makes people feel uncomfortable in my wretchedness.

Nope. Guys: "omg you have long hair are you gay????!!". Girls: "please let me do your nails itll look so cute". And it's not like I'm some hsts youngshit or anything.

yep, probably as bad if not worse than the guys. when i think back on the cruelest bullies from when i was a kid they are almost all girls. being faggot-socialized is the worst.

Almost everyone in elementary school bullied me
It only happened sporadically afterwards, but I would really like to know why everyone hates me

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Yeah but it's ok cause I liked it

nobody bullied me actually even though i was a weird quiet gay kid

We would be willing to do it for you >:(

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No but I bullied some girls. And boys.
>mfw once I started fighting and bullying back as a kid I was never really fucked with since

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i got bulliet pretty hard by stacies, but at least they didnt beat me like most of the guys did. i mainly hung out with fujos and goth girls... and now im a fujo goth girl....

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I got bullied by both genders but i want the pet of the strong kid so he protected me

every day of high school
they didn't even see me as human until i was 16

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*was the pet
Phoneposting sucks