Have you ever been held like this?

have you ever been held like this?

Attached: 4j8RFtO.png (768x642, 451.46K)

yeah but im not a guy lol

No and I dont want to, my asshole is not meant for fucking.

yeah but by my tiny cis ex, I never got over my insecurities and our relationship problems for us to get around to buying a strapon


No… but I really wish I were

no but i want to


i fuck wish, but no


I really wish i could have hot gay sex like that, do gyas like boymoders?

gya here, I dont like sissy men

it's all i want. being hold and comforted by someone.

yeah its fun

I do
As long as you got a dick, idc

yes. More than a few memorable times for sure. its sublime for a wee lad such as myself.

I really gotta do more sit ups

>Are you sure about that?


I tried this with my gf(trooner) but my big ass belly was too fat

No, I only attract fats and prison gay losers. I want to call my ex boyfriend from when I was a cis gay but he hates me for trooning out

that hot

No, and I never will be, because nobody likes fat, old, depressed, autistic virgin gay men with no prospects except desperate fetishists who just want to fuck. I should probably hurry up and off myself.