Being a gay FtM is the most based thing ever. It makes cis lesbians (terfs) seethe, and that's nice

Being a gay FtM is the most based thing ever. It makes cis lesbians (terfs) seethe, and that's nice

Attached: 20220621_114909.jpg (1529x2048, 402.95K)

Based pic, even if I can't zoom to see brcause it says file no longer exists.


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There’s still a misconception that transmascs impose on (cis) gay men , when in reality many of us just fuck each other. Gay t4t skips any tdick 101, and is hot as fuck.

90% sure that’s Spencer Sunboy who’s FTM (and has OF).

No its Cam Damage

It’s easier to be a man and sex with men.

oh thank you he’s neautiful

Why would any self-respecting cis lesbian seethe over straight women, let some traumatized straight chick?

let alone*

>t. has never met a terf

Femcel cope

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My brain literally cannot compute.
>it's a girl
>no wait a guy

It's an FtM femboy

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You're seething right now, user.

Yeah, my ftm boyfriend got hit on by every lesbian in high school and he ends up dating me:A masc, bisexual punk. He had a girl come up to him and hand him a note asking him out in front of me. Had to tell her that he's gay (in a trans way) and isn't into cis girls. Felt pretty good ngl. It's gonna be really funny when I come out as trans like his last 3 partners haha.

finally a cute ftm


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I am currently waiting on some gel from OtokonokoPharm for the express purpose of dicking down FtM twinks, hummana hummana

Is your bf a Twitter artist?

where do I find boys like this. where are they hiding?

does gay ftm mean youre into guys or girls i can literally never tell when trannies say they're gay because it feels like it changes definition depending on who you ask