If "transwoman" is a thing, I guess I kinda am one at this point but

What the fuck? I thiught you assholes said HRT is safe. I fucking knew it. This is all unsafe.
>Studies only go out 10 years
>Risk of blood clots, diabeetus and what basically amounts to a brain tumor increased beyond that of ciswomen
>HRT is meant to be twmporary for women
>studies will always be biased for or against HRT
>They have a new model of care because of transgenderism where people arent given recommendations
>basically forever experimental drugs
>Reminiscent of how everyone was so enthused about sucralose and aspartame for a long time as sugar subsitutes, but then realized they cause holes in your fucking brain over time
>Even with my psych (I was original seeing for social skils and depression), when I first mentioned the possibility I'm trans or something, but maybe tis just a hobby thing and that "oh maybe I'm just a crossdresser" said that was good, that theres a big difference between being a transvestite ans being transgender and that being transvestite is "not so... [he didnt finish]"
I knew it. I knew it. This was all a mistake.
This is wrong and extreme and I need to stop now. In fact, I should abandon all of this, stop talking to too many tranners at least not about being trans or w/e, throw out my clothes, throw out the makeup, delete all sissy porn, unfavorite trans and sissy porn on sadpanda, stop looking at porn until it stops triggering me (maybe even watch gay bear sex exclusively for a little while with NO women of ANY kind), do thr pushups Ive been afraid to do, throw out the... stuff I shouldnt even be taking yet but that I have like an addiction to ever since I got too curious and aroused... which was my worst mistake... and just be normal. No crossdressing because its not enough for my addiction any more.

I'll just stop everything and forget it so I dont end up with a health condition or kmsing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I sincerely don't get people who prefer to live longer in a body causing them constant unbearable pain than live a shorter, pain free life so you don't have to worry about having no money to retire.

>nb4 YOLO
I know, but its not always that health issues arise when your old. Doing unhealthy things as little impacts throughout your life. Eat poorly one day? You'll shit fire probably the same day. Mood is hard to really track in my experience depending on the degree of difference and there could be miscallaneous problems.

Granted, I never did this right to begin with and was being really stupid and worried about my age anyway.

see but... I mean...

How bad is it?? Ive always been healghy relatively. I dont understand why this is happening.

I'm cursed. I'm a sex addict. I'm a freak. I'm unsafe. I'm making mistakes and being impulsive.
No one knows what will happen. 10 years from now, 20 years from now, maybe just 5 years from now, I coule feel horrible. My breasts could be deformed maybe I experience some complication no one even knows much about yet.

And the way Ive heard doctors handle tranners... oh god. I could die from anything

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Got any sauce with that?

and for what? So I can look pretty according to some bizarre inner atandard I have? No one looks perfect. Even if Im more ugly or... not what I should look like or be like thats all on the outside.
Its all aesthetic so why should I care?
Even if the pills spefically change something about how I think, Im overa the dame person so its not a big deal.Its sexist to wanna have my emogions a certain.... Im fine...

I think your fears over health risks are legitimate, but it's also obvious that you're taking in brainworms from people who are clearly bigoted and using cruel, hateful rhetoric to get under your skin. You're not a sex-addicted freak, my friend. You feel a disconnect between your body and what you want to look like on a level that physical fitness won't quite fulfill. Tell me; if you got fit and dressed in cute, feminine ways, and even got full facial hair laser removal, would you feel satisfied? Would you still feel deeply dissatisfied with life if people thought of you as masculine more than feminine?

>>Risk of blood clots, diabeetus and what basically amounts to a brain tumor increased beyond that of ciswomen
Only if you fuck up your levels. Bioidentical estradiol won't do anything to you that being a cis woman won't do if you don't pump your E levels insanely high.
Some antiandrogens have risks attached, though.

It depends on what you take. It depends on how you take it. Anything can be bad for you and all of it is nothing you can know until you do it or use it. Nobody knows anything about if it is or isn't safe because nobody knows anything about anything, spend like two weeks watching diygen and you'll figure that out pretty quick if you have an IQ above room temperature. Take the drugs if you want, don't take them if you want, but don't claim anybody is responsible for your choices except you.

Someone got the airport IP banned so I can't respond fml.

It worked! Anyway. There's trans women so ancient they've been on estrogen longer than you've been alive. It's odd to me that conservatives try to pretend human hormones are harmful. Hrt is unlike medicine. It's not foreign substances. It's substances normal for your body. Hrt is like insulin for diabetic people. It's just introducing higher level of natural things into your body to help your body.

Most studies on cis women HRT were done with premarin and synthetic progestagens, it's not a thing you can extrapolate to tranny treatment because most take bioidentical hormones.

I'm trying to debate I'm trying to...
okay, so I read some of it here


Well, I also notive the tranners abuses drugs more often, but they used a small window for long-term IMO anyway.

To be honest I just went on Any Forums cuz I had this dumb idea to make Any Forums slightly less awful for a while and actually explain my experience so that maybe at least one person cpuld be helped out of their bubble, but that was pretty pointless and kinda juat made me develop more questions and become scared.

I shouldnt be looking at conservative bullshit, rn probably. It feels like it just makes.me paranoid and scared.

But I dont wanna just be like the dumb 20 year old who just has sex with everyone, does drunk driving, doeant care for their skin or health in general, and then just lives a mostly shitty life without even realizing it.

So I cant ignore the possibility this could make my life worse... but Im so fucked in the head it just messes with me and I dont know for sure I dont get male pattern baldness soon even if I look young still. Plus, it probably gets harder to change the older I get, it takea so long, and I'll likely want suegeries which I shouldnt be doing when I'm too old.

>does drunk driving, doeant care for their skin or health in general, and then just lives a mostly shitty life without even realizing it.
Why not. Works for me just fine, you got a problem with me?

To be honest, I didnt even read fhe full text of the study, I just panicked and made this thread after reading a media article somewhwre that passingly said they lack long term data on trans HRT.

Not taking the pills, every, Thank you


I think it's very smart of you to take your health seriously, and you're a kind and generous person in braving the filth of Any Forums in the hopes of getting at least one person there to understand our plight, but it's best for your mental health to avoid that place. Nearly everyone there wants us dead, whether or not we're on hormones.
Do your best to steer clear of any mass-media outlets and focus on peer-reviewed scientific journal articles. I think you'll prefer to find them yourself, as I can see how you'd be scared into not believing what other tranners send you no matter the scientific veracity of what they send.
Above all else, know that you have a friend in me, user. Whatever you determine to be the safest and most gender-affirming route, I'll cheer you on!

> diabeetus
you do realize risk of diabetes is increased in trans women because of their male puberty? like, men accumulate more abdominal fat, estrogen decreases that risk because it changes fat redistribution, but ultimaltely it still depends on how much abdominal fat you have
So tl;dr exercise, eat healthy and you'll be healthier than 90% of people


Okay fine. I need to see a real doctor.

Maybe if its just consultation I dont have to go to my primary care doctor yet, I'll just go to that transfender specialty one and bring a list of questions to ask.

I hope they can jaut talk to.me. I dont really know how it works, but I think they take my insurance.

>Tell me; if you got fit and dressed in cute, feminine ways, and even got full facial hair laser removal, would you feel satisfied? Would you still feel deeply dissatisfied with life if people thought of you as masculine more than feminine?
>more masculine than feminine
I hate it... I don't see myself as a flamboyant man. I hate that I learned that I hate it. But I hate it. I did that stupid faceswap meme even and it seema like even being an ugly women mivht be better and I hate this fact so much. Especially when I know I'm attractive to people right now. It makes me feel like I'm ruining something for everyone and I'm scared of how people will treat me when I'm not equivalently conventionally attractive.

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Meant to also reply to

It doesn't work. You can't make it go away. If you've felt like this your whole life and it isn't just a fetish, it will not go away. Have you wanted it for a long time, like since childhood? Do you want it even when you're not horny? My answer to both of those is yes and nothing I've tried has made it go away. I've been able to forget about it for a little bit here and there but something pretty much always feels wrong and even if I forget about it, it comes right back. I've tried almost everything at this point and I'm getting so tired of trying to fight it and repress. I just about don't care anymore. I've tried pushing it away and doing normal cishet male stuff, I've tried giving in a little here and there, I've tried masking it with hard drugs and constant distraction, I've tried everything. I wish I wasn't like this but I'm admitting that I am like this and that I can't make it go away any other way. Living as a tranny is like the last thing I want but I'm not going to stop being like this any other way. I've been like this since I was like 5, it won't stop.

Try reading Tranny by Laura Jane Grace, bonus points if you like punk or anything adjacent, you'll probably enjoy it more. It goes through most of her life since she was a kid up until a few years after transitioning. She also tried almost everything to make it stop, including lots of drug abuse, and felt sick about having those kinds of feelings and felt really gross about crossdressing and kept saying she'd stop but couldn't stop and did it again and again because it relieved dysphoria and finally was feeling extremely suicidal over the dysphoria and just gave in and decided to transition. It's an interesting story and it's full of really honest and vivid details, she admits even some of the most deranged sounding inner thoughts. It's greaaaat. It resonated with me a lot, which I kinda hated, because it was confirming what I thought, but it was still good and cathartic.