
How the hell does someone who looks like this fail at dating?

Is she self sabotaging, perhaps due to being a comphet transbian?

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“the only men I’ve met worth my attention weren’t accepting”

High standards plus straight men do not want a tranny.

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>chad only

That sounds like excuses. Any guy would fuck her. Was she demanding marriage first or something?

I mean it's true desu

95% of guys won't even consider dating a trans girl, regardless of how she looks

then of that 5%, most of them just want to "try it out" and fuck you once or twice, then they disappear

and then of the remaining people, most of them aren't really dating quality

so you're looking for literally like 1/1000 guys that could be a potential match

dating as a trans girl is legitimately miserable because like 97% of the dating field is automatically removed just because you're trans


>yes I'm bottom of the barrel (trans and not giga passoid) and no I refuse to settle for someone my own SMV

and people can reply to me and say "ohhh your standards must just be way too high!" but they're really not, it's not my standards that prevent me from finding a bf

dating as a trans girl fucking sucks, it's incredibly demoralizing and makes you feel like shit when you match with tons of guys and then as soon as you say "oh hey just wanted to let you know I'm trans" they instantly disappear, and then the ones that stick around are 90% just there for sex

what is SMV?

sounds like a self selection thing, I’m an hrt femboy and there are a good amount of decent curious straight guys and bi men&women that have their shit together

Unfortunately this. Straight dudes don't like dick. Ifk why trannies refuse to understand this

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Because she's BLVCK only and BLVCK men are usually more likely to not be into dick. Move along whitebois.

Sexual Market Value

Straight men are just as likely to date pooners as trans women. Fucking lel. PMANM

yep, well enjoy finding out that almost all of those people (especially the guys, not sure about the women) actually just want sex since they watched femboy porn a few times and are curious

almost none of them are actually going to be willing to have a proper long term relationship with you, introduce you to family, etc.

there you go, so from that graph you've got maybe 3% of straight men that are genuinely willing to date a trans woman, including the "both" category

what does that mean? like your sexual value? this isn't talking about sex, it's talking about relationships, which is about more than sex. I could find 100 guys to hook up with tonight if I wanted to, that's different to finding 100 guys for a relationship.

You can't find a bf because that you are suffering from comphet. You have brainworms due to chasers hating on transbians, and you want to be one of the good ones and not a creepy rapehon.

Problem is I can find guys I'm actually attracted to who will sleep with me, but none who will be in a relationship with me. Doesn't matter to me if my market value or whatever for relationships is lower just because I'm a tranny. I'd rather be forever-single. Sorry not sorry. I do not have an ugly mug, and I refuse to wake up next to one.

because she doesn't pass
this is an anglemaxxed filtered picture with flattering lighting & she still looks like a nerdy teenage boy with long hair

3% of 3,97 billion is a huge number. Not our fault you're a heightcel who refuses to see shorter men as human.

>chad will fuck me but won't commit
>this means my SMV is the same as chad, and I refuse to settle for less
tale as old as time lmao

are you people actually surprised by this? i pass to most people but that doesn't mean they'll fuck a trans person, it's still grindr or gross bi people from tinder for me

It's true though. The kinds of guys who are willing to commit I'm completely uninterested in. I will knowingly and preferably hit the boxed wine and cuddle with my cats.

no I'm just attracted to men, sorry?

lmao cut out the incel shit, I'm allowed to have whatever preferences I want about who I date, it doesn't mean I don't see them as human lmfao

I don't judge people for not wanting to date me for being trans, why do you judge people for having height requirements?

Yeah, bitch? Let's see if you're so uninterested when I beat you and force you to go in a date with me.

And the heightcel comes out. It's always the same reason.

you didn't say why I'm not allowed to have a height requirement lol, sorry it excludes you but I really dgaf

Most men will reject trannies or just use them for sex.

Wouldn't you be willing to date a short king, m'lady?

Passoids suffer too, you know

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Are you seriously that delusional that you don't understand how straight men are not interested in cock?

Lmao get rekt trannies
Good men want good women deal w/ it
Maybe settle with another sissy hypno loser :)

You're allowed to, but you'll never match the market value and needs of tall men. Tall men play into the most common fetish among women which is being smaller which skyrockets their market value. On top of that, the taller the man, the more he gets immersed into the macho culture with the main point of it being is being a breeder aka having bio kids with his breeding mare. It's fine to have preferences, just stop lying that your dating pool is small as opposed to the reality of you choosing to make it empty. I'm not even realistically interested in trans women because I don't want to deal with someone's transness. I'm just tired of the lies.

Oh wait a sec, didn't I just make a comment saying the reason trannies want to die is bc nobody is interested in being with them?

that's the thing, I don't even require guys to be taller than me, I'd happily date a guy a couple of inches shorter than me, but there is a limit

you keep talking about "market value" as though that's all that people are and it sounds like some DEEP incel shit lmao, please go outside

You are, but you should also be aware the chances of you finding the man of your dreams are extremely low. So if you do manage to find a guy who matches 70 to 80 percent of your requirements don't throw him away.

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I hate being trans so much it's unreal
What could I have possible done to ever deserve this fate? :(